the other girl //

124 2 24

[warning? i don't know but tae is a cheater oops]


i've been hiding it
i tell you something
just to leave it buried
now i can't endure it anymore
why i couldn't say it then
i have been hurting anyway
really i won't be able to endure it


"taetae, what is wrong? you've seem so glum ever since you came from work," you whine, attention no longer on the movie, but on your boyfriend who was pouting with his eyes trained on the screen.

"it's nothing," he smiled fakely. "just that, work makes me so tired. i don't like work."

"well, you're with me now," you grinned. "forget work," you climbed over him, straddling his lap and keeping your hands supported behind his neck. you leaned in and captured his lips, and you could feel the both of you smile into the kiss.

"at this rate, it won't be hard to stand work with the thought of you in mind," he chuckled.


taehyung, exiting your bathroom with a towel wrapped loosely around his hips, ruffles his fingers through his hair as he makes his way toward you.

"taetae, are you almost ready for bed?" you question, yawning. "i'm tired. it's hard to fall asleep without your arms wrapped so tightly around me the way they do..."

"i hate work," he spouts randomly. "work doesn't make me as happy as you do, these days."

"i know, oppa. i'm trying to work for us, too..." you smile brightly at him. "so one day, we can marry, and buy a house. we'll have children, and animals to keep..."

"how many children?" he asks curiously, his regular box smile building up once again.

"how many do you want?" you sink your teeth into your thick bottom lip.

"five at most. three at least," he answers with no hesitation. "and i want them with you."

you blushed, staring at your lap. "if that's what you want... okay."

he begins to dress finally, before sliding into bed with you and throwing his tanned arm over your waist. he had held you remarkably tight that night.


you heard sobbing come from within the bathroom, which had woken you up. you tried to jiggle the door open, but it was locked.

"taehyung? oppa?" you ask tiredly, but still concerned. "are you crying?"

sniffles were the only answer you received.

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