playboy bunny // j.jk

86 2 20

welcome to!

we think you're currently in korea. is this correct?

yes no

great. let's get started.

we have many mansions all over the world. we'd like you to enter your current location into the box below, so we can find the closest mansion location to you.

busan, south korea

great! the closest mansion location to busan, south korea is located in seoul, south korea.

would you like to take a look at our breeders?

yes no

we have a large variety of breeders. we'd like to ask a few questions before we begin.

would you like to proceed?

yes no

what is your name?

choi eun jae

how old are you?


are you male, female, or other?

male female other

would you like to look at male breeders, female breeders, both, or other?

male female both other

are you a virgin?

yes no

great! let's begin.

we think the following breeders accomodate most to your needs.

breeding contestant no. 1

kim seokjin

》 25
savannah cat hybrid
》 "my best quality...? how can i choose just one? in addition to being very appealing to the eyes, i also have a nice body."

want to set up an appointment with him? click here.

breeding contestant no. 2

kim taehyung

》 20
》 labrador retriever dog hybrid
》 "rhythm, no doubt about it. consistency and rhythm is my strong suit."

want to set up an appointment with him? click here.

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