stalked // j.hs

74 0 2

(a/n: yandere hoseok? this is a warning??)


every day, for a year, unknowingly.

you were being watched.


"you're very pretty," your classmate had confessed to you, after everyone had left the classroom. "i just had to tell you how you make me feel. i like you a lot," he shied away.

you stared at him, mouth agape, before eye-smiling at him cutely and grabbing his small hands in your own. "jimin, i had no idea. thank you for telling me. i am so surprised! i think..."

he looked up at you, awaiting the rest of your response expectantly.

"i think i like you, as well."

he smiled brightly at you. "this is wonderful. i want to take you out for something to eat sometime. may i?"

"of course. i'll look forward to it. do you want to walk me home after class?"

"yes!" he smiles. "i mean, um, yes, id be delighted. it's quite scary for a young woman like you to walk home late at night alone."

"i know, with all the recent crime and kidnappings..." you shiver.

"lets meet at the front entrance."

you smile and nod cutely at him, before the both of you take your separate ways.

"did you do it?" jimin's youngest friend, jungkook, asks impatiently.

jimin nods with the same cute eye-smile he always has.

taehyung gasps, shaking jungkook's shoulders excitedly. "he did it! he finally told her!"

"but did you ask her out?" jungkook cocks a brow.

"yes," jimin bites his lip from excitement. the same adrenaline from earlier is coursing through his veins quickly, and he is still soaking it all in.

"wah! hyung is so cool! noona is gorgeous, and she returned his feelings!" taehyung squeals.

"i'll be walking her home tonight, so i'll be over after that, okay?"

the two youngers nod, knowing they'd have to wait a bit longer until jimin returned later that night, but they accepted it.


"thank you for walking me," you sigh happily, holding jimin's small hand in yours gently.

"it was no problem," he grins at you and gives your hand a light squeeze. "im actually quite glad you let me do this."

"really? well, im quite glad you offered."

"im glad-er!" jimin laughs at his own poor grammar.

"im glad-est!" you laugh right along with him.

"i don't know why it took me so long," he sighs, meeting your eyes. "you're such a great person. i wish i had done this earlier."

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