02 - gaming addiction;

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Your POV

What?! Study partners?!

This cannot be happening. Me and him? No way. Not gonna work out.

Just as Taehyung and I left the classroom, he shoved me.

"Thanks alot for that." He said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes. "It's your fault." I shot.

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Is not!"

"Is too!!"

The bell rang.

Thank god, I thought this arguement would go on forever.

I glared coldly at Taehyung and walked away, cursing under my breath.

I.. I can't believe this dude!


As I was about to walk home, I felt a tug on my bag.

I turned around and rolled my eyes. "What is it that you want, Taehyung..?"

"Aish, did you forget? We're study partners, we need to study."

I raised a brow. "Why are you desperate to study?"

He stared at me with a blank expression. "I don't want to spend more months with you."

Oh, right.


We entered the library and found lots of students studying and reading quietly.

Taehyung then scanned the room weirdly.

"It's too quiet.." he uttured.

I mentally facepalmed. "It's a library you dodo bird, what do you expect?"

He turned to me. "Aren't those birds extinct?"

I smirked and nodded. "Yeah, exactly how I want you to be,"

I then turned away from him. I could feel him glaring at me and I bit my lower lip to prevent me from giggling.

"Over here.." I said, walking over to a table.

He nodded and put his bag down. He and I started taking out our Math homework.

After awhile, I noticed Taehyung sweating nervously.


He just stared blankly at the question for like, more than five minutes.

I felt so distracted.

"Yah, what's wrong with your face? Are you frozen?" I whisper-shouted, waving my hand infront of his face.

"N-no.. I-it's nothing.." He said.

"You stuttered, do you need any help?" I asked and he raised a brow.

"Why would I need help from you?"

"Because I need to help you in order for the both of us to do well. If we don't, we'll be stuck together for who knows how long.." I stated and looked away.

He nodded and silence hung in the air.

"So... how do you find this..?" He asked, breaking the silence as he used the tip of his pen to point at the question.

I stared at the question for a moment and turned to him.

"You need to take the Opposite divded by the Hypotenuse.. It's basic Trigonometry.." I explained.

"Wait, what? Then what's this line?" He asked again.

Seriously, I'm being bombarded by questions in which the textbook can answer..

I sighed.

"That's the freaking Adjacent, the textbook already explained the main functions of Trigonometry are the Sine, Cosine and Tangent. They're in your calculator.. Sin, Cos and Tan."

His mouth then formed an 'O' shape and he started doing the question.

After awhile, he shoved the paper infront of my face.

"Is this correct?" He asked, hoping for a good response.

"I dunno.. it depends on what you're finding."

He rolled his eyes. "I'm taking a break.."

He then pulled out his laptop and plugged in his headphones.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Playing a game."

I then perked up. "What game?"

"Shadow Slashers.."

My eyes then widened. Shadow Slashers is my ultimate favourite online video game. It's super fun.


..it's where I met..



End of 02 — gaming addiction;

video game lover. - k.th , bts ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora