03 - lost boys;

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Taehyung POV

"Why are you staring at me like at..?"

It was creepy, her eyes lit up immediately.

"Uh.. sorry for asking but you play that game?" She asked, sounding like ahe was judging me or something, so I got annoyed.

"Yep. Mind your own buisness you pabo." I said.

She then rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'm taking a break too," she took out her laptop and plugged her earpiece in.

*Insert your own username in.*

Username: HEY!

You: ugh I'm tired, what do u want..?

Username: is that how you treat ur bff m8? i'm hurt 😞

You: Hey, I'm just kidding. what are you up to now?

Username: I'm studying with a bully..

You: that sucks but I'm also studying. with an idiot.

Username: hehe we're so alike

You: We are like twins!

Username: ofc! But now.. I gtg. Seeya

You: ogey :))


I smiled. I then looked and Y/N and she was also smiling at her laptop.


"Hah, who are you chatting with? Your boyfriend???" I teased, in a sing-song manner.

Her cheeks turned a shade of rose and I giggled.

"N-No! This is just a friend! How about you, chatting with your girlfriend? Huh?" She shot back at me.


"No, I'm chatting with a way better hooligan than you," I proclaimed and she sighed.

"You should be describing yourself, I mean l look at your freaking messy hair." She stated, pointing at the top of my head.

I glared at her. "Whatever."


Your POV

I cannot believe that dude, he is literally the worst human being I've ever met.

Wait, he's more like an alien..

..Anyway, I can't believe I'll be spending weeks with this dude before the mid-terms.

It irritates me.

Luckily, I have Shadow Slashers to cheer me up - I'm always happy with it!

Especially since I have such good friends in the game..

I then thought about what Taehyung said about _VTATA95_.

"Hah, Boyfriend..?" I mumbled to myself.

I wish.

But you can't really find anyone else like him. He's really unique..

My ideal type, actually.

the next day

During math class, I giggled slightly at how Taehyung was staring at the Trigonometry question we did yesterday, and casually shifting his eyes to the board to check whether he was correct.

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