09 - small hangout (1);

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Your POV, the next day

I walked to my locker and opened it, finding a strange note inside.

Meet me outside the library after school. Do NOT bring anyone with you.


What the heck? Who's th? Why would he or she wanna meet me after school? I'm confused.

Was the note meant for me though? Or was it just a misplace? Whatever, I'm still going.

Also, that dodo bird is still absent. I hope he's studying otherwise we might still be together after our mid terms. Ew.

As I walked into the classroom, Soomi was slyly grinning at me. Creepy..

After School

I walked to the library and waited outside. There was nobody, actually.

I waited for an hour but nobody came. Just when I was about to leave, someone pulled me by the arm. Someone in all black.

"YAH!" I yelled. He kept dragging me. I constantly hit his arm.
He turned to me and we both suddenly stopped.

"Shh. It's me, Taehyung." He pulled down his mask.

"What the heck?? Why did you come all the way here to get me?" I crossed my arms. "Aren't you supposed to be sick?"

"I-" before he could say anything else, he started coughing and his face became red.

".. you okay? You should go home.." I said. He shook his head whilst coughing.

"I'm not that sick. I just need to ask you to help me with my homework and all-" He started coughing again.

"Hey. Let's not study here, then." I chimmed. He nodded and told me we were going to his house.

What would it be like? Undergarments all over the floor? Eww..


Okay, I was wrong. He lives in a mansion? Woah.

"Why is your territory so shiny??" I asked.

He chuckled. "Now you know where I live. Where did you think i lived? On the streets?"

I shook my head. "Pretty much under a bridge.."

He rolled his eyes and scoffed. "You think this face would live under a bridge?" He pointed to his face and I just nodded.

"Anyway, why are we gonna study here?" I asked.

"It's my home, It's best if we study here when I'm the one sick." He replied.


"Hey, Y/N, what does this word mean?" He pointed to the word on the paper.

"Tch. Figure it out yourself.." I shived the paper away.

"Awww pwease??" He did his aegyo again. I rolled my eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you--" I was cut off by the fact that he threw the paper in my face.

"You're no help," He sulked.

I sighed as I removed the paper from my face. "It means to categorize," I explained.

He nodded.


After about 2 hours, I decided to go home.

"Hey, I'm gonna go now."

When I was just about to leave, he called me.

"Wait!" He yelled.

I turned around, feeling abit surprised.

He walked closer to me.

"Let's get some ice cream,"


I dunno why I was feeling nervous.

I think it's because I've never went out.. with a guy.. like this..?

".. Tell me why you wanted to get ice cream?" I asked.

"Because I need a guide to get me some ice cream. I'm sick." He replied and I smacked his arm.

"If you're sick, why are you eating ice cream?!" I said.

He shrugged.

Taehyung POV

Honestly, I just really needed someone to talk to. Something happened a few days before, and I..


Even if I hate Y/N, I need abit of comfort.

I just need the right timing to tell her about it.

End of Chapter 9 "Small Hangout (1)"



I could have updated a few days ago but I was busy sleeping :'') I just finished my final exams and I can update more now. Hopefully.

(AcKk I have like 2 drafts that I'm continuing and I have not published them yet. Must be the reason why my published ones haven't been updating as frequent lolol.)

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