08 - tears (1);

821 46 7

Your POV

I jumped out of bed as I woke up from my terrible nightmare.

I can't believe I dreamt that.. again.. I guess not seeing them for a long time has given me terrible nightmares..

But they'll be back.

Well anyway, time to go to school. Aish, that nightmare is gonna remain in my head..


"Good morning, Y/N. I see that you're early," greeted Mr Yang.


I headed over to my desk and waited for the other students to arrive.

Surprisingly, the next one to arrive was the brat.. what was her name? Soomi?

I notice her coming towards me.

No. Begone. I have thot repellent with me.

Sometimes I wonder, why do I hold a grudge on her? Shouldn't I be happy that she accused Taehyung? My enemy, no less?

I get weird feelings sometimes..

But I sense something weirder inside of me.

"Hi~ Y/N, right?" She said and I nodded.

She dragged Taehyung's chair and put it beside me. She then sat on it.

"I heard that you and Taehyung are study buddies~ how's it going?" She asked.

"Okay, I guess." I replied, trying to sound as calm as possible.

"Well don't you think Taehyung is hot? His lips were so plump.." She said.

Wait, what?

How would she know? Unless..

She's that stranger who kissed Taehyung.

"If you don't mind me asking.." I continued, "Do you play Shadow Slashers?"

"Hm? Oh noo, I don't. All I know is that TaeTae does~" She said.


It sounds familiar.

"To tell you a secret though.. I like Taehyung." She said.

Well look who's Captain Obvious right here.

"Can you maybe... get me closer to hi--"

Before she continued, I stood up and slammed the table.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a wingwoman. And will you excuse me, I need to go."

I left the classroom.


I just can't stand girls like her.

I look at my watch. 5 minutes till class starts.. Why did I leave..

I watched as students started to stream into my classroom while I just leaned on my locker outside.

Before I went in, I somehow pondered about my parents. I left a tear on my cheek.

Eomma, Appa, I'll stay strong for the both of you.

As I entered the class, I noticed that the dodo bird did not arrive today.

Where is he? Did something happen?

No, wait.

I cupped my cheeks. You don't need to worry about him, Y/N!

He's probably sick or something.

after school.


I called Taehyung on my phone. "Yah, where the heck are you?"

"I'm sick," He nochalantly said.

"You don't sound so sick to me." I said.

"Yeah whatever. Bye."

He declined my call.


Just then, I received a message from _VTATA95_.


_VTATA95_: I don't feel so well

You: What's wrong?

_VTATA95_: I feel sick

You: Get well soon so we can play again :(

_VTATA95_: I hope so. Btw what are you doing right now?

You: I'm in a library

_VTATA95_: Oh, I was supposed to go to a library too but I came down with an illness

You: is that so? Please get well soon oppa :)))

_VTATA95_: I'm cringing

You: :)))

_VTATA95_: You don't even know if I'm older or not

You:  8DD

_VTATA95_: okaY stop

You: make me ;)

_VTATA95_: i-

You: hehe

_VTATA95_: two can play that game

You: oh really?


You: okay stop it

_VTATA95_: heyyy

You are now offline


Taehyung POV

I giggled at her silliness.

I sometimes really wanna meet her..

Should I say something?

i love you|

i love y|
i lov|
i l|

I feel weird. Why did I think of typing that? We're just online friends. I haven't seen her yet, but I adore her already.

Ughhh Tae, stop being so cheesy! You sound lame! I smacked my head.

I wonder what Y/N's doing now though..


"Y/N.. I'm scared.." I hugged her tightly.


I felt my cheeks becoming hotter.

I'm such a coward, why did I do that to someone I'm supposed to hate?

But sometimes I ask myself..

Am I supposed to?

End of 08 — tears (1);

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