chapter 26

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Time skip 12 years

" the prince married his princess and the young princess gained the mother she had alway wish for and a couple years later a new member was born. The young princess love her little bother so much she made a promise to protect him and hurt anyone who would try to hurt him" I said as I told a bedtime story to my baby bother an kiss his head goodnight.

" he loves that story" I heard father say. I turn around and got off the bed and huge, " it ours and it is the best story tell" I said hugging him before retiring for the night.

As I enter my room I sat by my window and looked at the star. So many years have pass by so fast. My father married the love of his life, my mother a napkin was born. What happened to to Chathy and alex you may ask, well they were adopted by Phasma and are now part of the soldier program to help keep the peace.

As for me my stories is still unwritten. I still wonder what the uninver still holds for me, but only time will tell. All I know is I have a loving family, great friends and my great grandfather spirit watching over me. What could a girl wish for.

The end

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