three || original

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One good thing about music,

when it hits you,

you feel no pain.

Bob Marley

The minute their teacher said, "You may choose a partner," Alana was up. She ignored Owen as he watched, his mouth set in a frown, as she made her way over to Emmett. She smiled at him as she took the seat by him.

"¿Comó estás?" She said leaning her head on her hand. Her elbow was resting on the table as her other hand absentmindedly flipped through her textbook in a sad attempt to find the right page.Emmett smiled and stopped her hand by placing hers on the page. As soon as she had fluttered to a stop, he flipped it to the right spot in one swift motion. Her heart almost fluttered to a stop too.

His smile was like some cliché thing, she thought smiling back. She did not really know what cliché thing but something she knew and someday she would figure out what exactly it was.

"I'm good, you?" he said and she laughed nervously. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she glanced around to make sure the teacher wasn't near enough to have heard his English. She wasn't. He laughed at her causing her to blush and look down. "¿Le gusta ir al cine?"

She squinted at him. She knew the first half of the sentence, but 'al cine' was something she didn't know. "Um, ¿Qué?"

"Al cine. Viernes. Siete de la noche. Tú y yo," he said smirking and her face twisted up in even more confusion.

"Tú y yo los viernes, ¿dondé?" she asked still not sure what 'al cine' meant or where they would even be at seven at night. Definitely not at school as it would be closed, obviously.

His smirk turned down for a second as he gave an impatient sigh. Then he was smirking again. "I was asking you out on a date love. Don't make plans for Friday. I'll pick up at seven."

As soon as he had finished his sentence, the bell rang. He got up and Alana was following him quickly, her stuff forgotten.

"I can't Friday.Football game, band" she said.

"Well Saturday then."

"Band," she said and he frowned.

"Just skip it."

"I can't," she said and he huffed.

"Fine. See you tomorrow."

She sighed, stopping and watching as he walked away. When Owen came up beside her, handing her stuff to her thank god, she began walking with him to band.

"Band's messing up my love life," she muttered, her eyes down on the floor so she didn't trip.

"What love life?" he said and she looked up to push his shoulder. He pretended to trip and stumble which made her giggle before actually tripping herself. She was on the floor, swearing quietly to herself. Several passing students gave her odd looks, which she returned with a glare of her own.

Rolling his eyes, Owen helped her up. As soon as she was on her feet and Owen was once again holding her stuff they were joined by Laila and Alex, both coming from science.

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