v. Emmett Gray, Resident Dick

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"Alana!" She heard the voice over the small crowd of students waiting for their rides. She had been looking for Eli, who had said she could take Alana home, since Alex needed the car. Following the sound of the voice, which happened to be Laila's, and standing on tiptoe, she could finally see her friends, standing by the large glass doors that stood as the PAC entrance.

No sooner had she started towards them, was she distracted by a guy heading in the opposite direction. His brown hair was sticking up in every direction, like he had just woken up, and his backpack hung low off one shoulder as he made his way through the crowd.

"Hey!" She yelled trying to catch up to him. Somehow, she managed to without looking like a complete fool, and fell into step with him. He gave her a sideways glance, but didn't say anything. "Uh, sorry. I mean hi. I'm Alana. I'm in your Spanish class. Ah, ¿Buenos noche?"

She stuck out her hand slightly, but quickly brought it back down to her side, turning red as she hoped she didn't look as dorky as she felt. He smirked at her without even looking in her direction and kept the slow meandering pace he'd been using. "It's too early for buenos noche; try buenos días instead."

"Oh, right. Of course." She let out a nervous giggle, all the while twisting a strand of hair around her finger and hoping she looked less stupid than she felt. She really hoped the hair would knot or get stuck on her finger. "Um, so what's your name?"


"Emmett," she repeated, following him even as he left the building. "Nice name. Where'd you move here from.... Emmett?"

He didn't get a chance to reply as two arms, one belonging to Laila and the other belong to their friend Arista, were linked through hers, yanking her to a stop. Emmett stopped, not looking at all surprised.

"Hey, don't mind us," Arista said, flashing him one of her famous grins. It was the type of grin that had made thousands of boys fall for her and now, Alana felt a twinge of envy as she directed it towards him. He wouldn't even look twice at Alana now that he knew Arista existed. "We're just going to steal this loser. Tata!"

"Nice to meet you!" Alana shouted, attempting to wave as Arista and Laila dragged her away from him. She tried to send him a grin that was somewhat as good as Alana's, but she knew it wasn't going to work. "See you in Spanish!"

The minute they were out of earshot, standing between the two sets of glass doors that served as the PAC entrance, she whirled around, glaring at the two idiots she called friends. Both were grinning without showing any amount of sorry.

"I can't believe you two did that!" She screeched and a younger boy near them slowly began to edge away. "What was that even about?"

"You were flirting," Arista said with a shrug. She reached up to adjust her hand band. "With a cute guy."

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