xx. where's Spiderman?

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It had been agreed upon that their small group of friends would meet up at a small restaurant near the high school, where homecoming would be taking place. Ian and Alex had both been asked by girls in the guard, while Arista had wound up asking the girl from her class.

Everyone else was already at the restaurant by the time Eli, Laila, and Alana came barreling in nearly twenty minutes after they were supposed to meet there.

"What took you guys so long?" Cammie asked, her arm draped over the back of the booth. There'd been enough of them that they'd been able to snag one of the only large booths in the place and Eli and Alana slid into the empty spots on the end, while Laila plopped herself into the chair that had been pulled up to the corner of the table.

"Someone here, was still asleep when we got there."

"Really Alana?" Alex groaned. "I woke you before I left."

Alana mumbled something, quickly holding up her middle finger when Alex opened his mouth to say he couldn't understand her.

"Tsk, tsk, this is a family place Alana," Owen said from her left. "Wholesome, nice, family place with kid – hey!"

Alana had lightly wacked the back of her hand across his shoulder. "Can't be that wholesome, they let you in here," she muttered to him and in return he poked her side, making her let out a small squeal and slide away from him as much as the booth would allow.

Alex's date, Victoria, leaned over and whispered something to him, causing Alex to sigh in response. "Yes, I'm sure they're not – while that is an interesting possibility, I highly doubt that's happening either. Kinda wish it would already though."

Whatever it was that Alex was saying wasn't a possibility, Victoria seemed to disagree as she shared a look with Ian's date, Emily.

The curious side of Alana wanted to ask what they had asked her brother about, but before she could so much as open her mouth, she was distracted by a small girl sitting next to Arista, her brown hair curling every which way.

"Hi, I'm Alana," she said, sticking out her hand then thinking better of it when she realized how far away the table made them. "You must be Arista's date."

"Hi. Lilo. I mean, my name's Lilo," she said, brushing her hair off her face and giving a small, nervous chuckle. "It's nice to meet you."

"You too."

Despite how quickly they ordered, and their food came out, they still almost managed to be late to homecoming. Alex, Ian, and their dates had left first, simply stating they were meeting up with some of the other guard girls and their dates. Arista and Lilo followed closely behind with Cammie and Rina hitching a ride with them, allowing the remaining five friends to spread out in the large booth as they picked at the last of their food.

Which is probably why they were almost late.

Alana was laying across the booth seat, her head in Owen's lap when Lucas, becoming suddenly fidgety, announced the time.

"We really need to get going." He was bouncing his leg and kept moving like he was going to try and slide out of the booth ­– something he couldn't do as he was currently blocked in on both sides.

"I guess," Alana said, reaching down to make sure her dress hadn't scrunched up on her again. No need to be flashing anybody in a wholesome family restaurant.

"Come on," Owen said, poking her nose. She scrunched it up at him, but nonetheless sat up and slipped her feet back into her shoes.

"You guys need a ride?" Laila asked, her voice casual, but Alana could see the glint in her eyes as she avoided eye contact with Lucas, busying herself with counting out a tip.

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