i. Spanish Tutors and Clumsy Betting

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Alana Bower was quite easily the easiest person able to get sidetracked. Take today for example: class had barely been going on for more than five minutes before she found herself sidetracked by the new kid instead of paying attention to the Spanish lesson at hand. She was already bad at Spanish, so why did it matter anyhow?

New students weren't a rarity at Alana's school – she had once been the new kid there – but new students once the school year had already started were less common. And new students who were cute, well that was even less common.

His brown hair, although short, flopped over one eye, while other parts of it stuck up. She sighed as he reached up, his shirt tugging up slightly to reveal a tan patch of skin, and ran a hand through his hair causing even more of it to stick up.

She had not actually been paying attention when the teacher had introduced him – distracted by a bag of goldfish snacks her brother had thrown at her – and had only looked up when she had heard the girl next to her whispering about how cute he was. With a handful of goldfish stuffed in her mouth, she could only nod her head in agreement and stare at him, not hearing another word that came out of her teachers mouth. Like it was said, she was already bad at Spanish, so why did it matter anyhow?

"Maria." Alana jumped at the sound of the spanish name her teacher insisted they have, the long forgotten bag of goldfish skidding off her desk and next to the kid in front of her. He leant over to pick the crumbs up as she looked up, trying not to look as guilty as she felt.

I was paying attention, she thought, attempting to make her face convey innocence. She waited for her teacher to go on, her face growing redder each second that the clock ticked in silence. Finally, Alana was forced to speak the one phrase she could actually remember.

"¿Qué querías profesora?" She said quietly, looking down at her desk as several students giggled. The boy in the seat in front of her, the same one still holding her goldfish crumbs, turned around to give her a fake disappointed look, which she returned with a small sheepish grin.

Her teacher let out a sigh, reaching up to pinch her nose, before saying, "Lee el pasaje, por favor."

She could feel her cheeks getting warmer. As previously mentioned, Alana was bad at spanish. Actually that's an understatement. Alana was so terrible at Spanish that she once accidentally spoke German during class instead. On written tests, she could usually fudge her way to a C, maybe a B- if they didn't have to listen to any of those stupid recordings, but when it came to reading or speaking any Spanish out loud, she could kiss anything higher than a C- goodbye.

The clock continued to tick as she stared straight at the curly, dark hair in front of her and tried to come up with a good excuse as to why she couldn't read today, but nothing came to mind. She looked down at her book, trying to remember the last thing she remembered hearing read out of the book, before looking back up. Her cheeks and neck were now warming than ever as she kept her eyes on the boy in front of her, worried she was start crying from embarrassment if she looked anywhere else.

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