xvi. cherry street party

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"Section leaders come get plumes for your section!" The directors were telling the band, as they finished their latest cheer. "The rest of the band needs to get a plume and go line up in your spot in preset!"

Alana pushed herself off the metal stands with a groan and stretched, her back cracking as she did so.

"You okay?" Ron asked, grabbing his instrument and handing her own instrument.

"Yeah," she muttered, giving a nod in thanks as she took her instrument from him. "Just tired, I guess."

"Watch your instruments!" One of the drummers shouted and they all covered their instruments and watched as the football when through the goal post and just barely missed the Marching Band stands that sat in the end zone.

They continued walking once the ball hit the ground behind their stands.

"Here," Alex appeared next to them, handing them each a plume before disappearing again in the mass of band students trying to find about where their spots were.

"Wow thanks bro," Alana muttered sarcastically. "You're the best, did you know that? No?"


"Just ignore me please," Alana sighed, reaching up to try and put her plume in her hat. She felt around for the little slot where the metal stick went in.

"Do you need help?" Laila asked, reaching out to take the fluffy white thing from her hands. Alana made a face, but handed it over to her, allowing Laila to easily put the plume into her hat for her.

"I'll see you." Laila stopped from moving away, turning back to Alana and giving her a half hug. "Good luck."

They waited at the back, chattering as they did, till the quarter ended, and then in silence as the other band played their pieces.

When it was their turn, they played two movements from their show before playing Long Train Running and their fight song as they marched to the front sideline.

They marched almost all the way back to the end zone where the band stands sat.

"Put your instruments behind the stands!" The directors were directing them, and Alana followed the others in her section, placing her instrument on one of the many tarps that were laid out. It was always hoped that by placing them behind the stands, they would be safer.

Alana headed towards the gate with the other band members. One of the directors stood by the entrance, reminding everyone that they needed to be back before the end of the third quarter.

"Anyone late gets to help clean up the stands tonight!"

Alana headed straight for the home stands, pulling her phone out of the secret pocket in her marching band uniform as she kept an eye out for her family and friends.

She found her family first, her sister sticking out in a bright orange jacket as she sat in front of her parents.

"Hey Jess," Alana said, blinking at Alex who was sitting next to her. The two had yet to talk about what he had said the other night and Alana wasn't sure she even wanted to talk to him at all. "Mom, dad."

"Hey sweetheart," their mom said, giving her a small hug as Alana squeezed down next to her. "You guys were great out there."


Arista, Eli, and Laila appeared soon after that and Alana followed after them towards the food stands, her hand now holding a handful of dollars that her dad had given to her.

"I met this cute band member from the other band," Arista said as they ducked between people wandering through the stands. "I was hopeful I could manage to slip them my number, but some of their friends came over and stole them away before I could."

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