First Journey, and Samurai

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It'd been a while since Ren had come to the new world, a world of fantasy where magic and magical beast exist; and he was enjoying it a lot more than his previous one. Fresh air, nice people, interesting things to do, etc. All that mixed together allowed Ren to open up more to Elze and Linze, much to the girls' joy. Currently, he, Elze, and Linze were heading for the royal capital to deliver a letter for someone. They decided to use a wagon, since walking there was out of the question. Elze was asleep, she even had a bit of drool coming from her mouth. Ren grinned, looks like he'd found potential blackmail material. Linze soon pulled the wagon to a stop and everyone got out.

"We'll need to find an inn for tonight." Ren said.

Elze nodded.

"Yeah, we're still a long way from the royal capital."

"I'm a little curious, though. Why did you guys choose to deliver a simple letter clear to the capital instead of picking a job close by, like that megaslime request?"

"No!" Elze and Linze exclaimed at the same time.


"No to what? The slimes?" Ren asked.

"I hate squishy and springy creatures like slimes!" Elze protested, "It's an inherent dislike!"

Linze quickly nodded in agreement.

"Besides, those things melt your clothes and stuff." Elze added, "Absolutely no way!"

That was a good point. The slimes would just melt away the girls' clothes, slowly revealing more and more skin...... okay that's enough of that thinking.

"Let's grab a meal before going to the inn." Elze suggested, "I hope there's a place like the Silver Moon."

"If you'd like, we could return to the Silver Moon Inn using my World Gate, eat there, and come back." Ren suggested.

Elze and Linz shook their heads.

"As nice as that sounds, it's better to stay in unfamiliar places and visit unfamiliar stores when you're in an unfamiliar town."

As odd as that sounded, Ren couldn't really deny her logic. That was the point of being an adventurer, to explore.

"Hey, hold it, you!" A man's voice called out.

Turning his head towards the sounds, Ren noticed a large crowd had gathered. What was going on? Elze and Linze followed him as he made his way to the front of the crowd. In the middle stood a bunch of men surrounding a girl who was dressed in different clothes. The girl's weapon of choice appeared to be two katanas.

"That girl's wearing an odd outfit." Linze commented.

"She's a samurai." Ren deduced.

Linze was about to ask Ren what a 'samurai' was, when one of the men spoke up.

"Lady, I hear you took real good care of my buddies." He said in an angry tone.

The girl seemed to know who he was talking about.

"Oh, you are with the men I turned in to the guards, yes?" She asked, "The fault for that lies with you. It is what you get for running amok."

The man clearly didn't want to hear that.

"Shut up!" He yelled, "Get her!"

His weapon was literally a board with wrappings on one end. The girl easily flipped him onto his back, displaying an impressive style of martial arts.

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