Ocean, and Vacations

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The group took in the amazing view. The white sand, the blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds, and the crystal blue ocean waters, not to mention the ocean breeze.

"Wow, how pretty!" Yumina exclaimed.

"It's been forever since I saw the ocean." Elze commented.

"It has, Sis." Linze agreed.

Yumina, Linze, and Elze walked to the edge of the water.

"I'll join you, then." Yaw said, taking off her sandals and sandals before stepping onto the sun-warmed sand, "Hot! Hot! Hot, hot!"

While the girls enjoyed the view, Ren proceeded to cast Mystic Dragon Eyes to try and find the ruins. Looking out into the ocean, he could just barely make out some structures far below the surface.

"That's where the ruins are?" Leen asked, having opened an umbrella to protect herself from the sun.

Ren nodded.

"They're a good ways below the surface from here; straight ahead, actually."

Hearing the girls giggle, Ren looked and saw that Linze, Elze, Yumina, and Yae all had theirs shoes and socks off and were playing in the ankle deep water near the shore.

"It feels nice and cool!" Elze said happily before sighing, "If only I had a swimsuit, I'd go swimming."

They had swimsuits in this world? Wait, why wasn't Ren surprised?

"We could probably buy them at the store." Linze suggested.

Elze seemed to like that idea.

"That's it, Ren!" She exclaimed, "Let's return to Belfast and buy some!"

Well, the whole reason they'd come here was to find the ruins. Screw it. They made it to the beach, so they had time to have fun. It wasn't like the ruins were going anywhere.

"I don't mind," Leen said, "as long as they'll still help with the investigation."

Ren nodded.

"Well, we've came all this way, so it'd be a shame to waste the chance for a beach day."


The Duke, the Duchess, the King, the Queen, General Leon, Charlotte, Sue, and Laim all stood with Ren on the beach.

"The ocean! The ocean!" Sue cried happily as her eyes glinted with excitement.

Ren couldn't help but smile. It looked like Sue had never seen the ocean before.

"How thoughtful of you to invite us to join you at the ocean in Eashen." King Tristwin said.

Ren turned to the King.

"Well, since I could bring everyone here, I figured 'why not?'"

Oddly enough, Charlotte didn't seem very happy.

"I couldn't turn down an invitation from my master."

Ren had a feeling that Leen 'persuaded' her to come.

"This is so nice!" Cecile said as she, Lapis, Renne, and the other servants came through the World Gate.

"Cecile, is this the ocean?" Renne asked excitedly; she looked almost as excited as Sue did, "I can't see the opposite shore!"

Micah and Aer were the next to step out.

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