Slime Castle, and a New Function

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The group rattled along the road in the wagon. Yae was steering the horses while Ren and the others sat in the back. Noticing the girls' displeased expressions, Ren spoke up.

"You're all upset about the request we received?" He asked, "At least it's not something hard, as this'll be Kohaku's first mission with us."

"I'm excited!" Kohaku said as she sat on Ren's lap.

Yae sighed.

"I cannot get motivated for this mission." She said dully.

"I can't believe the magic beasts they want us to investigate are slimes!" Elze complained.

"And they want us to investigate a slime researcher's castle, no less." Linze added unhappily, "I have a bad feeling about this."

The sisters sighed.

"Do you hate them that much?" Kohaku asked, "They're only slimes."

"I just inherently dislike them." Yumina said, "Especially the green slimes that melt clothes."

Yumina didn't like them as well? Having one's clothes melted off was humiliating but... okay, enough of that!

"Well, then we'd better just go in, find what we need, and get out." Ren said.

Yumina hung her head.

"The researcher hasn't been seen in over ten years, right?" She asked.

"I feel like it wouldn't be that big of a deal to leave them be, then." Linze said, "They're not harming the nearby villages..."

Ren shook his head.

"The guild personally asked us to deal with this, so it's best just to get it over with."

In a matter of minutes, the group arrived at the slime researcher's castle. Pushing open the doors, Ren stepped inside.

"It's dark, but it's safe." He said turning to the group, "Alright everyone, let's get this d-"

Ren's sentence was cut off as he dodged a falling washtub.

"That wasn't safe at all!" Elze argued.

Ren was about to say something when Yumina cut him off.

"Ren, the washtub!" She exclaimed.

The group turned to look at it, and to their surprise the washtub morphed into a grey colored slime.

"I've never seen or heard of that type of slime before." Linze said as they watched it slide away.

"Does that mean it's a newly created one?" Yae asked.

Ren had to wonder what purpose a slime like that had.

"His research documents might be hidden somewhere in here, so let's look." Linze suggested.

The group quickly found the library, or rather, what was left of it. It seemed like the slimes had been eating the book pages.

"There's only the leather cover." Yumina said as she picked up a book, "The contents must have been eaten by slimes."

Ren nodded. There was a good chance it ended up as food for a green slime.

"This one wasn't eaten." Linze told them as she held up another book.

A notebook?

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