Panties, and an Aerial Garden

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In the Aerial Garden of Babylon, Ren was doing his best not to look at Francesca's lower half, as she hadn't taken the jacket he offered, but instead pushed it back to him.

"Why aren't you... wearing anything... down there?" Ren asked, still looking away.

"I'm not sure how to answer that..." Francesca told him, "Duty?"

Ren put his jacket back on, making sure he didn't look.

"Miss Francesca, was it?"

"Yes. Please call me Cesca."

"Please put something on. It's hard for me to look at you while we're talking."

"But I'm wearing panties."

How in the hell did that make anything better?! Taking deep breathes, Ren attempted to calm himself down. Trying to pretend it was just a swimsuit, he looked at Francesca. Nope, they were panties!

"You glanced at them, didn't you?" Francesca asked.

Ren bowed deeply.

"I'm so sorry!"

Francesca pulled out a matching skirt from behind her.

"Well, if you insist, then I'll put something on."

"Please do."

If she'd already had a skirt, then why the hell was she not already wearing it?! Turning away, Ren waited for Francesca to get dressed.

"You won't do anything?" She asked.

"Absolutely not. Now please hurry up and get dressed properly."

"I wouldn't mind you touching a little bit."

"Just get dressed already!"

Once Francesca was properly dressed, Ren turned around.

"Now that that's done, I have several questions. Do you mind?" Ren asked.

"No, go ahead."

"My first question is, where are we?"

"The Garden of Babylon, floating in the sky."

Wait, what? They were actually flying? He was able to see the sky through the glass dome roof, but he still figured they were on the ground. Seeing his confusion, Francesca started walking.

"Please follow me." She said.

Leading him to the top walkway, Ren was able to see that, yes, they were flying, and that they were actually way high up in the air.

"So what's the purpose of this place?" Ren asked.

"It's a garden the Professor built as a hobby."

"The Professor?"

"Professor Regina Babylon. Our creator."

"So then, you're not human?"

"Master, this person is indeed not human." Sango said, looking at Francesca, "I can't sense the flow of life within her."

Was Francesca a robot?

"I was built by the Professor to serve as this garden's control terminal. That was five thousand, ninety-two years ago."

So she seriously was a robot? Well, it explained her monotonous tone.

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