Epilogue - The Avocado Incident Pt. 2

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I hadn't seen Eli and Dad for almost a year. Riley and I were attending Yale University together, leaving my dad and my boyfriend back in Victoria. Eli was an active part of the police force and the crime rates had gone down in the past four years. Dad and Xavier had become really good friends. I was still a bit iffy on the whole situation but I guess I could bear him.

It was my final year, Riley and I were graduating the next morning.

I had invited Dad and Eli to attend the ceremony but they were both knee deep in work, and unfortunately had to decline my offer.

Dad, Eli and I met every holiday possible. I flew out to Victoria and they would take a break from work for the majority of my stay. Riley occasionally came along with me to see her parents. Xavier hung out with all of us as well.

I guess Riley and Xavier had both become an unofficial part of our family.

Despite not seeing each other for long periods of time, Eli and I had managed to maintain a strong long-distance relationship. We FaceTimed almost every other day and texted each other good mornings and good nights.

The university life was stressful but so much better than high school. I felt like I was being productive and doing something with my life. Riley and I dormed together for all four years. She and I had both worked towards stopping our procrastination and getting to places on time. It was safe to say that we were successful in that matter.

I was nervous for graduation but also very excited. It was another milestone. After graduating I would be out in the real world and be looking for a job.

I just wished that Eli and Dad could somehow attend.

"Val, are you ready?" Riley called from the corridor.

I was still half asleep, "For what?"

"The graduation ceremony!" Riley shrieked, bursting into my room, "Val! Get up! We're gonna be late!"

Okay maybe I hadn't fixed my tardiness tendencies. I guess some habits never die.

"It's okay, I don't feel like graduating today, I want to go to sleep and dream of Eli and avocados," I mumbled.

"Val, do you really want to deal with Professor Harrison's wrath? He despises tardiness."

"It's not like I'm going to see him again," I muttered.

"If you don't get out of bed right now, I'm going to pour a bucket of water all over you."

I was too tired to answer and went back to sleep for what couldn't have been more than a minute before I was drenched head to toe in ice cold water.

"RILEY!" I shrieked, sitting up abruptly, "If I wanted to freeze to death I would go to the North Pole!"

"Get up, lazyass."

I groaned and complained for a good ten minutes before I reluctantly got out of bed.

Just one more day and I would be free from the stress of university. But that also meant I would have to get ready for the stresses of a real occupation. Taxes. Rent. Death. All fun things!

Note the sarcasm.

I glanced at the time, it was twelve in the afternoon. Graduation started at four. I had plenty of time.

I headed into our little kitchen and prepared my favourite breakfast: avocado toast. The day I stopped loving avocados was the day I would die.

Riley was making a huge deal over what we were supposed to wear, but I didn't particularly stress about it because we were going to wear our gowns on top anyway.

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