20 | Missing

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"So he just left, then?" Rowan asked upon his arrival that morning. "Not even a goodbye?"

"Git didn't even bother to make his bed." Fred pointed out with a scoff, gesturing towards where Ron's blankets were still strewn out. "But his things are gone. We reckon he's gone back to find where Harry and Hermione went."

"We didn't even get to show him the Room of Requirement." Joey said solemnly. "If he'd known about it before going back to them... I don't know. Just feel like it could be of some use, for them to know a way back into the castle since Snape sealed off the other secret passages."

"They'll be alright." George assured her, taking a seat next to her on the couch and wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "Anyways, since Freddie and I are so out of the loop now that we're old and out of school, what's all the hot gossip going around good old Hoggywarts?"

"I heard the word gossip," Sebastian's voice came into the mix, and Joey looked over to see him and Lysandra take a seat on the floor at the edge of the circle, near Lissy and Ginny. "so we're officially interested."

"Well, I've heard Joey Moody has a new boyfriend," Nicolette said sarcastically, flashing her a grin.

"I've heard he's an arse," George said, looking at Joey with an expression of disgust, "you really should do better, Jo."

"Alright, alright," Joey said, rolling her eyes and elbowing George in the sides. "I hear Rowan's got a crush."

"What?" Nic asked, feigning offense, "This is the first I'm hearing of this!"

"It's really not important," Rowan said, his cheeks starting to turn pink as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Oh, come on, Woody," Fred teased. "who's the lucky lady?"

"Come on, guys, it's really not important." Rowan insisted. "It's not like I'm going to act on it, anyways."

"Tell us, tell us, tell us," the twins started chanting. 

"Alright, fine," he said, putting his hands up in surrender. "it's Hannah Abbott. And before you all laugh and poke fun at me, I'm going to change the subject by throwing Magnus under the bus and telling you all I hear he has a new girlfriend."

"Git," Magnus jokingly shot in Rowan's direction before turning back to the rest of the group with a grin.

"So that's why you've been so smiley lately," Tommy said. "Who is it?"

"Not Pansy Parkinson, I hope." Nic said. "I really trust you're smarter than that, Magnus Aurelius Black."

"It's not Pansy Parkinson," Mag assured her. "I may be part evil, but I'm not that evil. She's crazy. No, I'm talking about Daphne Greengrass."

"Slightly less crazy, and twin sister approved." Nicolette said. "Her family's crazy, but isn't every family? Anyway, she's sweet."

"Alright, kids," Arthur said, entering the room. "it's time to get you back to school. This time, it'll be me, the twins, and Bill getting you back."

Nodding, the kids stood up, grabbing their bags and heading for the door, leaving Shell Cottage behind. Joey couldn't help but turn around to glance back at the cottage once more, Fleur and Tonks waving goodbye from where they stood out on the sand by the shore. As soon as they were outside of the protective barrier, George held out his hands for Joey and Elisabeth, who each grasped one before the familiar feeling of Disapparition took over their senses, leaving Joey nearly gasping for breath by the time her feet landed on the wooden floor of Aberforth's sitting room.

"I'll never get used to that," Joey muttered.

"There you are." Aberforth said, gesturing over towards Ariana's painting, which swung open at the notice of their arrival. "Was beginning to think you weren't going to show." 

"Thanks, Ab," Joey said before turning back to George, who pulled her tightly into his arms.

"Stay safe," George said, kissing the top of her head before looking down in her direction. "don't get into too much trouble."

"No promises," she said. "you know, I learned the art of troublemaking from the best."

"That's my girl," he said, leaning down and giving her a kiss. "I'll see you soon, okay? I love you." 

Joey couldn't help but smile at his last three words. "I love you too."

"Alright lovebirds, I hate to break up this moment, but Joey really has to go," Nicolette said, butting in and sticking her tongue out at her cousin.

"I'll see you soon," Joey promised George as Nicolette led her back through Ariana's painting into the passageway beyond.

"I think that was a really successful Christmas holiday," Tommy mused as the group walked. "I mean, we've officially all lived to see another year go by, even if this one's most likely going to be our last. Joey here finally got to confess her feelings for George, and it turned out okay. Lissy's new Christmas cookie recipe she found turned out perfectly." he turned around, giving his little sister a high five. "And we learned Magnus is in love. Who knew it was possible?"

"Oh, piss off," Magnus teased, smirking as they reached the end, the painting swinging open to reveal everyone waiting beyond.

Joey wasn't sure what to expect when they reached the Room of Requirement. Maybe she had expected the other students to be buzzing after the break for the winter holidays. Those who had gone home to be telling stories about the things they'd done with their families. Or, even just everyone sitting around, enjoying each other's company for one more night before classes resumed as the next term began. 

Instead, the place seemed almost in an uproar. Neville paced around the room and Seamus and Arden were talking against one of the walls, a worried expression over everyone in the room. Anthony Goldstein, Terry Boot and Michael Corner sat on their sleeping bags, talking in hushed voices. As soon as they became aware of the new arrivals, they all turned towards them, sighing in relief.

"What's going on in here?" Nicolette asked, hopping down from the passage onto the stone floor. "Lighten up a little, you lot."

"We were worried you weren't coming," Arden said, hurrying over and wrapping one arm around Rowan and the other around Joey, pulling them into a tight hug.

"Why wouldn't we be coming?" Joey asked, hugging her back.

"Thought maybe the Death Eaters had gotten to you," Seamus added.

"Why would you think that?" she asked then as Seamus pulled her into his own embrace. "We had the Order escorting us, and Shell Cottage was under protective enchantments."

"Because Luna's missing." Neville said, finally slowing his pacing. "She never showed up at King's Cross today."

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