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to my aching body,

thank you.

thank you for keeping my heart beating, my legs moving, my eyes alert, my feet leading, my hands fidgeting, and my lips smiling

thank you for the stretch marks on my thighs, for the fading scars on my biceps, for the hairy arms, for the unshaved legs, and for the loud laugh

thank you so much

because, without you, i wouldn't be here

i wouldn't be able to stand next to star boy and laugh at his terrible puns and count his freckles and wish him good luck before his races

i wouldn't be able to watch my best friend light up in delight as she goes on and on about our favorite band, pulling out her phone to show me hilarious tweets

i wouldn't be able to run down the road in the quiet mornings, the only thing that i can hear being my heartbeat and the birds chirping

i wouldn't be able to breathe through those panic attacks and cry and sob and kick and scream all in my head, scratching the pillow instead of my arms

i wouldn't be able to live

thank you, beautiful body

because, even if you have imperfections, that's what makes you unique

and im so thankful to be gifted such a wonderful body

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