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One month later....

"Aaahhh, man, I'm pretty sure it has been a month already, I've tried to find something to eat, I cleaned the water I drank, I actually found a small waterfall, and bathed myself. And I had more friends," I said, looking up into the sky, I was lying down on the packed dirt floor. It was sunny today, for some reason. I did get used to it. It was hard though, but I did it anyways. Sometimes I woke up ready for a new day; sometimes I was scared, sometimes I worried about things, sometimes I just cried, because thats all I wanted to do... like that one poem I memorized...


Some days I can strong, I can be weak.

I can be proud, or I can be meek.

I can be gentle, or I can be tough.

I can explode when I've had enough.

Sometimes I laugh,

Sometimes I cry,

Sometimes I lose but I will always try!

I always get up, when I get knocked down!

And make a smile out of any frown =)

I hope god likes me the day we meet,

If only for a chance to sit at his feet.

And be by his side year, after year.

While all the bad things disappeared.

So when life gets tough,

And it's hard to be strong,

I'll never forget...


I had many scrapes and bruises, my jeans were ripped from the knee especially. All the way down and my boots were worn out, one had a hole. Then once when I wasn't looking, I tripped and fell over a branch, leaving a terrible bruise on my face, but I HAD to get used to it! So many things happened to me in the wild for a month, hunger, bruises and somewhat broken bones, strained muscles. I was so glad I didn't run into any other bigger animals, they would have killed me easily. I was sure of it. I think I broke or sprained my ankle, it hurt so much, I limped every time I walked, hills and mountains, rockslide, mudslides. It was all terrible, and it did rain there. But I was glad I was used to the rain, I loved the rain. But my ankle still hurt like crazy, I tired ignoring the pain by walking but that made it much worse, even when I was trying to run from a tiger. Man that was tiring!

I got up from the floor, up into a sitting position. I stared at the dirt, just thinking. I started drawing in the dirt; I really didn't know what I was drawing.

A feeling came over me, the feeling of missing my parents. I cried one full week, just because I missed them. Pictures, and certain memories, flashed through my mind, tears welding in my eyes, I just had to hold them back. Ever since Jake and I talked, we never talked again, it was the last time we talked and I was somewhat glad. When I had no one to talk to, I talked to Sweet Tweet. But of course Sweet Tweet would chirp back, she didn't speak English! But I felt like Sweet Tweet understood me, I got use to Sweet Tweet, and I loved her so much.

I never really thought of my new name. Lovely star, truth was it was somewhat close to my name. My name really meant, Twilight, but it was somewhat ok. I stood up, wiping the dirt off my behind and hands.

"Ow! Stupid splinter!" I practically screamed, Sweet Tweet just stared at me like always, but came closer to me. I tried to take out the splinter, no way it was in too deep and it hurt like crazy. Since when did I get this in here, I must have had it for more than a day, I told myself. It was indeed way too deep.

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