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“Snow, I’m serious!” I told snow, we had finished breakfast and home schooling was over, and Devin had come over with Jake. Jake and Mika were downstairs talking, probably about me and this morning. We were up stairs on my bed, and I was telling Snow and Devin about my dream and Tigrerra telling me I have to be careful and my DNA changing. So far Snow and Devin weren’t beliving me.

“A tiger, who talked in your dream and didn’t move its mouth?” Snow said confusingly.

“Yes,” I replied.

“It’s just a dream, Twyla,” Devin said.

“No really,” I made myself sound stupid and dumb, like if I didn’t know. “But I mean what if it’s true,”  I said. Devin shrugged his shoulders, “Can we go outside and have some fun, now that your healed?”

I sighed, and nodded my head. We came out of the room, walked downstairs and found Mika and Jake talking in the kitchen.

“We're going outside!” I yelled to them.

“Ok fine, but stay on the lawn or on the street, be careful with the cars, don’t go anywhere else,” Jake yelled back.

“Hollar if you need something,” Mika said, right after Jake.

“OK!” Snow yelled back.

I opened the door and headed outside, when all of the sudden something happened.

Someone big was standing right there right in front of me, I had accidently ran into him. Oops.

“Sorry,” I mummbled.

“Do you need something?” Devin and Snow said at the same time. The man just stared with cold eyes. The man wrapped one thick muscular arm around my neck,  lifting me up from the ground, about a foot or two. What the heck does this guy want? I thought, struggling in his grip, he added more pressure, Devin and Snow stood there all frozen.

“Let go of me!” I managed to choke out. Snow screamed and Devin ran inside, hopefully getting Mika or Jake or both. I dug my nails into his skin. Nothing. I was ready to bite, nope, more pressure was added. The guy took something out of his coat, who is this guy?... Guess what he took out, right, a gun.

Finally, Jake and Mika came running outside. Guns pointed exactly at the man who was holding me. The man turned his gun, not at me, I was so glad, but he had it turned at Mika and Jake, moving it back and forth beteween them.

“Go inside,” I heard Mika whisper to Snow. Snow nodded and ran into the house, where Devin was already safe.

“Let her go!” Jake said, moving closer. Why me?

“We need Twyla, more than you guys need her,” The man said.

“What? Who are you?” Jake asked. The man grinned.

“Mika Young and Jake Forest,” he said, pointing at them, “The worst FBI agents ever.”

Then he laughed.

I looked at him, giving him a face, like these two people (meaning Jake and Mika) are the best FBI agents ever, even though Jake took me away from my home! Yes, I was still mad about that.

Jake looked shocked, and Mika couldn’t just believe it, her face looking the same as Jake’s. Haha…

“How do you know us?” Jake asked.

“Records, and other things, do you guys not remember me?” The man said.

Wait what? Rewind button. Does he know Jake and Mika?

“You don’t look familiar,” Mika said confusingly. The man laughed.

“Enough about me, that’s good you don’t remember me…. Besides, I got this place surrounded you two, there all around here, so there’s nothing you can do about it,” The man said.

Now, I don’t like where this is going? Now what?

The man started backing up, guns still pointed at each other. He was still holding me, but he had loosed his grip, and I was still a foot off the floor.

“Drop her!” Mika yelled.

“We’ll shot,” Jake added quickly.

“Ooohh, you would shoot me, but you wouldn’t shoot Twyla, now would we Jake?” The man said, holding me higher, like if I were a shield, actually scartch that, I was a shield.

If I was right… there was a hellicopter in the sky, well I heard it and looked up, wind was blowing like crazy when it started lowering, with a ladder hanging from it. Now I knew where this was going. The man walked over to the ladder, and yup he grabbed onto it, and yes the hellicopter started rising higher and higher. It was something like from the movies, right, this was way to obvious.

Anyways, before anything else happened. Mika and Jake were standing there watching me being taken away. And if I was right, my eyesight changed and I could see Mika starting to cry---- was I seeing this right? And, I think I heard Jake say crap. What the, why would he say that? Oh right, I’m held captive. But how was I able to hear him… super hearing, yup probably and how was I able to see Mika’s one tear? Vision of a hawk. YES!

“HEY! Where are you guys taking me?” I shouted.

“Somewhere,” the man said, with a grin on his face.

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