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"Time to get up," Mika said in my face, she was holding sleepy little Isabella, she shook my shoulder. This is probably what all you guys do when you wake up. I moaned and turned over.

"You have thirty minutes, and were driving you over there, and Devin is already up."

 Mika left and I heard her walk over to Snow and woke her up as well. Once someone wakes Snow up, she'll get up; she'll get up and not argue at all. Your probably wondering how I knew that, well people have energy, and I can feel that energy, so I can tell when someone moves around.

After a couple minutes, I finally got up on my bed, sitting on the edge and stared at the window, which showed no sunlight. I got up from my bed and walked to the window, I pulled the curtain to the side, and the world was all wet. I put on some white skinny jeans, with (light gray) jaguar printing and put on some boots that went right below my knee. I looked into the mirror, thinking how I was going to do my hair, so I thought I'm just going to brush it and leave it down. I went into the bathroom, which was connected to my bedroom. I grab the hairbrush from a drawer and stuck it into my hair. It got stuck the second I put in into my hair. I carefully unknotted my hair, once it got untangled, it was all fluffy. This is what I hated about my hair. I brush it and it turns all fluffy. So what I did, was I grabbed a bottle filled with water and sprayed my hair, so it would stay down and not fluff up. After putting tons of water on my hair, it went into nice natural curls, yes, my hair is NATURALLY curly, which is pretty cool, just wait till all the girls at school ask me if it's my natural hair, or they would ask if I curled in myself.

All I had to do now was put hairspray so it would stay in nice curls. I did that, then I clipped a sky blue flower in my hair, I found my silver dangling earrings and put them on as well and voilà I was done.

I grabbed a turquoise color sweater from my closet but didn't put it on, I grabbed my backpack that was small and brown, but inside the backpack was the one inch binder and a pencil. As I started leaving my room, when I remembered to grab Devin's binder, that Snow and I put together last night.

I went downstairs, and into the kitchen to find Devin drinking milkshake, I could tell he put all fruit in it, like a fruit smoothie. Jake was cooking? Wait what? Cooking? I didn't know he could cook, but okay. Mika was drinking coffee and seemed to be thinking about something. I wanted to know, I wanted to read her mind, but it just wouldn't be nice, don't you think? So I didn't, it was probably nothing anyways.  Bubba and Isabella were on the kitchen floor, talking to each other, well that's what it seemed, and oh did you guys know I can talk to the little kids, well through their minds. I know it's strange.

Snow came in behind me. I noticed that Devin's shirt was wet, just a little by the front, and he had a little towel hanging around his neck.

"Where'd you go? It looks like you went to the gym, to go box and came back without breaking a sweat," I asked him.

"I went to go run two miles," Devin said, drinking the rest of the milkshake that was left in his cup.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that, but I thought you wouldn't do it on school days?" I asked. Did I forget to tell you guys Devin runs miles every day? Well know you now.

"I'm still going to do them, just early in the morning," he said, wiping his milkshake mustache. "want some, there's still more left, it taste pretty good."

"Yeah sure, why not," I said. Devin poured some into another cup and handed it to me. I tried it just a bit, to get the flavor. To be honest with you it was pretty darn good, Bananas, Strawberries and milk with a hint of sugar. I noticed Devin was waiting for an answer.

"Mmm... It tastes really good, it's delicious! Thanks, Dev!" I exclaimed.

"I knew you would like it, it'll keep you full til at least lunch time," he said. I smiled and drank the rest. Once I got done drinking the fruit milkshake. I washed my cup.

"Well someone looks cute?" Mika said. I looked at her.

"Oh," I laughed, "Thanks!"

"You do look pretty!" exclaimed Snow. "Why though? It's just school, unless you're trying to impress someone."

"Yeah, Snow's got a point," said Devin.

"Yeah I know its school, but still, can't I look pretty? And probably all the other girls would look prettier than me, I'm just wearing boots, this turquoise sweater that I'm going to where over my tank top and I have jeans on." I explained.

"You have a point, and no other girls are as pretty... Never mind," said Devin. I looked at him. Okay, I guess I didn't want to know what else he was going to say.

"What? No other girls are as pretty... as what?" I asked him.

"Never mind, forget I said anything," he said. I didn't want to get Devin mad, he didn't get mad as easy, but if you make him mad, he'll get really mad and pissed off. "I'm going to go take a quick shower."

Then he left.

Haven't gone over it. So if there are any mistakes let me know and I'll go back and fix them. Thank you to those who are reading! =^.^=

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2016 ⏰

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