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At least a thirty-five minute drive, we ended up in an open clearing where a jet had been waiting to take us back to America. When we got out, I tried to run out of the car, hopping on one foot. But of course I didn't, I was worthless, for now I mean. We all unloaded from the car and we got into the jet. It tooks us another day to get home. I couldn't do much during that whole time but rest, ugh! I hated not doing anything, it just wasn't me! I would go crazy. Jake gave me a book to read though, which was alright. I fell asleep about twice, this time I caught a glimpse of Hawaii, it was small from way at top, but it was probably amazing on the island. Jake never asked me about the rainforest incident, which was fine, because I wanted to tell everyone everything that happened to me. No matter who it was, maybe I would just tell the whole world!

We were really close to home, when a thought came to me, I blurted it out loud, "My parents?"

"What about them?" Jake asked, looking away from his computer.

"Will I be able to see them again?" I asked.

No anwser. Rrr... he's not going to tell me alright then, whatever. I'll just have to find a way to get away from the FBI (not the best thing someone could do, but I don't want you trying it, IF you ever get caught by them somehow...) I layed back down on a couch type thingy in the plane. Sweet Tweet chirped, making me look up at her.

"Don't worry we'll be home in a little bit, I promise," I winked at Sweet Tweet. I wasn't sure if that was exactly what she was asking me or not. I don't even think anyone bothered noticing Sweet Tweet come on board, which was actually kind of funny. But I knew I had a new friend.

I continued the book, which was getting better, I think it's starting to become one of the best books I've ever read before!

The plane started lowering down, I could see some type of landing strip. Yes were home, and I'M STILL USELESS!!! What am I going to do to get away from them... but what if there is no escape. Sweet Tweet whistled, making me stop thinking, I looked over at her, "Yes, I know were home Sweet Tweet!" I scratched her little head and looked out the window closest to me. The plane lowered and lowered, the tires were touching the floor and started slowing down to a stop.


Guess where we went right after we got off the plane? Right, we headed back to headquarters, not home at all! UGH! No one seemed to care about Sweet Tweet at all or didn't notice her, I mean, who would miss a green, white, and redish bird sitting on my shoulder! We entered headquaters and I was in the wheel chair again with Sweet Tweet on my shoulder. And guess which office we entered? The head leader of FBI headquaters, Mr. Lekekerker's office. Probably the biggest office you would find here in the building. Mr. Lek was sitting behind his humungo desk, doing some paper work of some sort. And Mika, Valisko, Snow, and Devin were sitting in there with him, probably waiting for me or more like me and Jake. I think I know what was going to happen next, they were all going to ask me what had happen out there and I would tell them everything, and what I did everyday for a month.

As we stepped more into the office, I looked down with a frown on my face. Almost every one shot up for where they were sitting and ran towards me and hugged me.

"Oh my gosh, what happened? Are you ok?" Snow asked me, right after letting me out of the hug she had given me.

"I was about to explain, I mean, right after what ever Mr. Lekekerker has to say."

"I'm glad you're alive though," said Mika.

"Twyla! Long time no see," said Mr. Lekkerkerker getting up from his chair and started walking towards me. "Why are you in a wheel chair, what happened? Jake barely told me what happen, I think you can fill me in on the rest? And what's this bird doing here?"

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