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The hellicopter ride wasn't very long, but darn these guys are tough and don't care if I get hurt. They shoved me into a abandon buliding, well that's how it looked like from the outside.

"Oof," I hit the hard concrete floor, face first, stupid person.

"We have the girl, sir," said the man who shoved me. Oh, I know his nickname now, this is my personal nickname for him, I'll call him the Shovester. Don't ask.

"Excellent," said another guy, probably the leader of this gang. I sighed. I was surprised I wasn't freaking out or anything, it's like I had this feeling that I'm not going to get hurt. But who knows.

"Bring her here," The leader said.

"You heard him, walk!" said Shovester. Ok ok gosh. I started walking towards him. Now we were face to face. The leader laughed.

"This is her, this is Twyla, please, this girl," He said laughing histarcally and pointing at me.

"Your going to die laughing. How do you know me?" I asked. He laughed some more. I rolled my eyes. He stopped laughing and started pulling in together getting serious all over again.

"We just need to talk to you," He said.

"Alright then," I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Twyla you are very special," He started.

I laughed, "Like I haven't heard that one before."

"Twyla just listen! I don't even know why were telling you this, to be honest we're enemies, and we will always be," The man said and paused, he waved to someone, then this little boy about my age came out of the shadows.

"You're dead meat, Twyla," He said somewhat close to a whisper, but I could hear him.

Then that's when it hit me, his voice sounded just like the one in my dream, at the end of my dream, when I heard that voice say the exact same thing. That's when my heart dropped to the floor, and I got chills all over my body, not good.

"Anyways-Twyla, not to long from now, you'll develop powers, matter of fact, you may already have them, you just don't know. Were not sure. Your life is going to change COMPLETLEY! For example, Leo, he's exactly like you, maybe he's meant to be with you later on," He pointed to the kid, that was my age, who told me I was dead meat.

"Leo, will always be your rival, no matter what. Twyla we- I don't know how to tell you this, I guess it is to hard to say something like this, including when your only eight."

I didn't say anything, because I didn't know what to say! Should I cry? should I yell? What am I suppose to feel? I guess you could say, I'm scared, but I don't know what else to feel.

"Maybe we should just let you be... the next six years will be better for you," said the leader. I don't get it I don't understand, I would tell him that, but... wait didn't Tigrerra say something about six years later, and to pay attention? Yeah I remember her saying something like that...

"Just pay attention, for the next six years or so, okay?"

I could't believe what I did next. I nodded. I finally had the guts to ask, "I don't get it? I don't understand? What's supposed to happen? Why me? Why him?"

No one said anything. Ok whatever! Don't say anything. The leader waved to someone, the guy who was standing behind me.

"Take her back," said the leader.

"Yes, Sir," He said and saluted the leader. Man this guy must have some serious power over these guys. Shovester took my wrist and dragged me out of the abandon buliding. Once we got outside, I don't know where he got the rope, but he tied both my hands behind my back.

"HEY-!" I said. But he didn't say anything, and tighted the rope around my wrists.

"Ow, that hurt! Don't hurt me!"

Then a car pulled up in front of me and Shovester. A white van. You know what they say about white vans, never trust anyone in the van. Its kind of like saying a white van is a murder van. Not trying to scare you or anything like that. It's that it is kind of obvious that white van's can just cause a lot of trouble. It's hard to explain. Really.

"Get in!" Said Shovester.

"What if I don't want to!!!" I snapped, then all of the sudden, before I knew it he had put a piece of tape across my mouth. I made an angry face at him. He didn't care and shoved me into the van. Thats why I call him shovester, see where I'm going with this. I got up from the floor of the van and sat straight up on the side of the metal wall. Wonder where were going now. Since there were no windows, I couldn't tell where we were going. But all I could tell was that, the driver was driving way to fast, and the corners he took were way to sharp. I slid to the very far back of the van! Finally the van screeched to a stop, but I felt the car go side ways on the road, blocking the road. The way the van was positioned, it definitely blocked traffic.

They slid the van door open. And guess what happened?

They tossed me out of the van.


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