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Mika laughed and walked into the living room, holding Isabella in her arms. We stared at her, like she was crazy, laughing to herself or something, whatever it was it had to be funny.

"You guys think you're just going to sit there and do nothing," she said.

"Uh, yeah pretty much," I said. I mean what else are we supposed to do.

"You guys are going to school tomorrow," she said. Wait... wait for it, she just ruined my day. And is she crazy, she never said anything about this???

"Wait, did I hear you right? Go to school? Are you CRAZY!?!?!?" I almost yelled.

"I know, we didn't tell you guys, but we can explain," Mika said and Jake walked up behind her.

"Give me a sec' though. One, why don't we just get homeschooled like we have been for six years? Two, do you even know about high school? Three, what about my powers?" I asked. Not bad, huh? Those were pretty good question, now let's see them give me good reasons for each question.

"Twyla, we've been to high school, if we didn't go to high school, we wouldn't have this job, and you wouldn't be here," Mika said.

"Why am I here, then? Why couldn't I live a normal life?" I asked, my arms crossed over my chest. I got up from where I was sitting. See I still don't know why I'm here. "Why haven't I seen my parents, Snow and Devin got too, so why can't I?"

"Twyla we have been through this before," Jake answered.

"And I still don't have any answers!" I said in his face.

"Back to the High School stuff," Mika said, putting herself in between me and Jake.

"This would give you guys a chance to meet new people your age, you guys wanted to go to a school, no? Maybe make new friends or something. Well you're going to school. Me and Jake talked to all the teachers and principle," Mika explained. "We told your guys teachers, that you, Twyla, have powers, we told the principle too,"


"Don't worry, we can trust them, we went through there background, you guys will be in good hands, I promise," Jake said. I turned back to him and glared at him. I sighed; Okay fine I guess they beat me. A couple seconds later no one talked but I broke the silence.

"Fine, we'll give it a shot." I said and looked at Devin and Snow, I got a nod from Snow and Devin just shrugged.

"One more thing, you guys can play up to three sports," Jake said. That's when all our faces lit up.


"Does it look like I'm lying?" Jake said.

"Cool! Okay, I'm doing Football, Wrestling and Track," Devin said. I looked at him.

"Football would be good for you; you have the strength for it. And you run a lot so Track should be fun," I said. He gave me a small grin.

"Oh I want to do Dancing and Volleyball," said Snow.

"I want to play Basketball and Tennis, if no, Badminton works too," I said.

"Alright then, were all good with sports than, I'll make sure I'll write them down and sign you guys up for it," Jake said, clamping his hands together and rubbing them.

"I thought you would do cheerleading?" Devin asked me.

"Does it look like I want to do cheerleading? Um, no. I'm not that kind of girl. Does it look like I want to be center of attraction? Also no. Does it look like I want to be tossed up into the air? Um no. I just kind wanna lay low in high school, like blend in. I don't want people to notice me." I said, saying the last sentence in a quiet voice.

"You got a point," Devin said. No one said anything else, I thought they would ask me about, why I wouldn't want to be noticed, but they know, they know that I would give them one long big reason. And I blame all this on my powers.

"Well then now that everything is settled about school," Mika said handing out pieces of paper, one for me, one for Devin and one for Snow. "You guys can go get ready for tomorrow or whatever."

I nodded, took the paper from her and motioned Devin and Snow to come follow me upstairs to "get ready" for school. We walked up the stairs and stepped into my bedroom, yes we have our own bedrooms. I sat on my bed and sighed and started fiddling with the paper, Mika gave to me.

"Do you guys think this will be fun?" I asked them.

"I guess," Devin said.

"Like you said, we can go ahead and try it," Snow said. I unfolded the paper and looked at it. It was a schedule of our classes and teachers. Devin and Snow saw what I was doing and they opened their piece of paper as well.

"Wait do we have any classes with each other?" I asked.

"Don't know," Devin said. I walked over to him, he was sitting against the wall and I sat down next to him. I looked at his schedule. Then Snow came over and sat down next to me. I took Devin's schedule, and put it next to mine. I was in the middle so they could see the schedules. Snow put hers next to mine and we all looked at them.

"There all the same classes and teachers," I said.

"Except for the electives," Snow said.

"I have drawing and another science class?" I said, making science class sound like, why should I have this class.

"You are pretty good at science and you like science so maybe that's why, maybe it's for students who are really good at it and want to actually take it... It's hard to explain," said Snow.

"Maybe," I said. "What do you guys have as electives?"

"I have electronics and dancing," said Snow.

"I have Spanish and mechanics," said Devin. "Why Spanish?"

"Probably, because you didn't take another language when we were littler, and we probably have to know another language."

"Cool, then we can all be talking in Spanish, and keep things a secret!" Devin exclaimed and smiled at me.

"Mika's learning Spanish too, so that won't work," I reminded him.

"Yeah, but she's not going to know, she barely knows too, I'll be advancing through Spanish like the wind!" said Devin.

"Well someone sounds excited for Spanish," I said. "We probably should get ready for tomorrow then."

"Your right, I have to figure out what I'm going to wear, and how were are going to do all this school stuff. If you know what I mean" said Snow, getting up from the floor she took her schedule out of my hands.

"Yeah, I know what you mean Snow, they just now tell us and we barely have time to get ready," I said, getting up from the floor, as well. Devin got up too.

"Well then I'll see you guys tomorrow morning," said Devin, starting to leave my room.

"Alright then," I said with a smile on my face, I waved to him and he left.

Snow and I got ready for tomorrow, we just put paper into a one inch binder and we would just take a pencil and that's it. We were surprised that we found three backpacks one for me, one for Snow and one for Devin, but I was pretty sure he wouldn't use it and would use another backpack he has. Then we were also pretty sure that he wouldn't take a binder, so we got another one inch binder and put paper into it.

After an hour later, we were in bed, but thing was... I just couldn't fall asleep!

New update! Hopefully those who are reading this like it and Happy Valentine's day to everyone!

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