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A white van had stopped in front of them, screetching to a stop, and turning sideways while blocking their path. Jake was barely paying attention, he was more concentrated on finding Twyla.

Jake hit the brakes-hard. Everyone in the car jolted forward. Both Jake and Mika saw, the van's door open, and someone was being tossed out of the car. The brown curls, floating in the air as she fell to the ground. Her mouth was ducked taped, and he hands were bounded between her back, so she couldn't catch herself from falling. She hit the concrete floor.

"Oh my gosh!" Mika said, putting her hands up to her gaped mouth. "Is that..."

"Twyla," finished Jake.

"What?? Where???" Snow said behind Mika, she jumped up from her seat. Mika pointed, and Snow saw Twyla laying there on the cement.

The car had taken off.

"Get the license plate number, Mika," Jake said.

"It doesn't have one!" Mika muttered.


Everyone froze , what just happened. Was the girl really Twyla? Then Mika took off her seat belt, opened the door and ran to Twyla who was lying on the ground. Jake put the car into park, and ran outside as well. Devin and Snow followed behind Jake. Mika got to her knees trying to wake Twyla up. Mika was already undoing the knot on the rope.

* * * * * * * *

Ouch, that hurt. That was pretty much all I could say to myself, when I fell out of the van. I think I hit my head pretty hard. I fell unconscious. And your probably wondering, How come I am talking to myself or in my head? I myself could not anwser that. Or maybe I wasn't unconscious. I guess everything just kind of went all black.

"Twyla, please wake up," I heard someone say, the voice sounded so familiar.

Mika. That's who, How did she find me? I'll ask her later for sure. I fluttered my eyes open, everything was so blury. I moaned, putting my hands on my face and rubbed my eyes.

Oooww!!! Crap, I mean crud! I accedentily rubbed my left eye, and if you guys don't remember I had stiches there. I moaned even more, trying to get up, at least on my tush or my knees.

"Careful. What happened sweetie?" Mika said. Okay that was a new one, sweetie? Okay...

"Can I tell you when we get home? It's about to rain," Wait did I just say that. It's about to rain? I guess I did. I was on my knees and I looked up at the sky, there were some lingering clouds, some dark ones too.

Wait for it... it started pouring down rain, it's like I'm psychic, some weird things have been happening lately, first no pain, then I have these weird/strange feelings, following that I could see from a far distance! Is Tigrerra right??? I don't know. I shock my head, trying to not to think of that.

Mika and Jake looked up to the sky. "You're right, let's get into the van and go home then," said Jake. Mika picked me up from the ground, and we all ran to the van. The van was so cozzy and warm, I was glad I wasn't out in the cold rain. Imagine if they didn't find me and I never woke up, or what if I never came back? Why do I think of such terrible thoughts. I really gotta put a stop to this or something.

No one talked on the way home, but we stopped for some Pizza. We all got out of the car and went inside, after that we were back at Mika's house. Come to think of it, I think Jake likes Mika! They look cute together actually, I think I just now notice that. It's like a feeling, I can even tell by his face but something, it feels like someone is telling me, or something like that, it's hard to explain. Really. He looks at her kind of strangely. He set the pizza on the table and everyone digged in, even me I was so hungry!

About an hour later we were done eating, and we were all sitting on couches in the living room. I knew where this was going, they were going to ask me what had happened.

"Twyla, what happened?" Jake asked. I sighed.

"They took me somewhere, a deserted building, it was half destroyed. They took me to their leader. And he was talking to me saying, that I was special and that something was supposed to happen, but then he said he rather not tell me anything, and that I should wait about six years or so. He also 'introduced' me to this other kid name Leo, he's about my age, the leader said that he was like me and that he could belong with me later." I explained. "The leader also said that we would always be rivals til the very end, and I don't get it, I keep trying to repeat what he said and it's not making sense, what is he talking about, even a tiger told me the exact same thing!!!" By the time I was done-their faces-again were touching the carpet. They were blown away, their mouths slightly open. They were left speechless, no one said anything.

"Leo! Rivals, enemy, the end..." Mika said. It seemed like she was putting a huge puzzle together, and trying to solve it. "I don't like where this is going."

"Oh yeah and the tiger and the leader told me I would have powers," I said. "Like a superhero!"

Jake shook his head. Like something was terribly wrong, "Twyla what tiger, may I ask?"

I gulped, "The tiger that attacked me. She appeared in my dream last night and told me the exact same thing the 'leader' said. She also told me she wasn't a normal tiger and her name was Tigrerra. Tigrerra said that she was meant to be with me, to do things. I can barely remember, what she said though. But it was all pretty much the same. The differences though are is that Tigrerra is good and Leo and his 'gang' are the evil guys."

"Yeah I don't like where this is going as well," Jake said. "Mika can I talk to you, privately."

Mika nodded and they headed towards the kitchen.

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