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I fell unconscious. I was out in the middle of the forest, lying flat on my back, and my body in a weird position, I was in the middle of nowhere. And probably no one knew I was out there. I was on an island, all by myself. In my sleep, well it wasn’t really sleep, but I saw my parents and my brother, they were all crying. I couldn’t really do anything, it was like a movie! Where you had to sit and watch everything happen. It was a nightmare!

I moaned in pain. I tossed over on my side.


Jake had come back to get her. He put his hand over Twyla’s nose, just to see if she was breathing, she kind of was breathing the breaths were really far apart from each other and she stopped breathing.


She was in the hospital. Jake was standing next to her hospital bed.(She was rushed to the closest hospital there was.) She was hooked up to a lot of different types of machines. Nurses were running all around her and in her room and out her room. She still was unconsious. She didn’t know much of what happened, really. Did I go into sugery or what?

Twyla was wheeled out of a room and into another. This time doctors surrounded her. Twyla fell unconscious, once again. The doctors were putting stitches where the tiger had attacked her, god the pain was terrible! Hours passed, she was taken out of surgery and back into a room where Jake was waiting for her.

“She’ll be alright, right?” Jake asked a doctor. “What happened anyways?”

“She should be, if she wakes up… and were not sure,” said the doctor.

“Oh----please wake up,” said a nurse, that was standing next to Twyla’s “hospital bed”. Jake just watched the nurse. Two hours later, Twyla moaned in pain.

∆∆∆  Back to Twyla's point of view. √√√√

My eyes barely opening, I could open my left eye though, it hurt, so I only opened my right eye, resting my left eye, I looked around.

“Where I am?” I muttered under my breath, barely making out the words. “What happened?”

“Thank goodness, you’re awake,” said the nurse. “Don’t talk its not good for you.” I moaned in pain.

“She’s in pain!” Jake said.

“No really?” She made it sound, like she wasn’t stupid.

"Well, arent you going to give her  medicine for it???”

“I kind of have too,” said the nurse, went over and got some medicine. No needle, I hate needles! I shouted in my head.

“NO NEEDLES!!! I HATE THEM! I’LL RUN IF I HAVE TO!!!” I tried to shout, but my voice came out very weak, and small. But the nurse heard me.

“There’s no other way, and you just came out of surgery, you can't move an inch!”Exclaimed the nurse.

“Then I don’t need medication!”

“It’ll help with the pain!”

“NO!” I manged to blurt out. The nurse backed off.

“Alright, if you say so, but if you have more pain, there really isnt anything else we can do to help you,” said the nurse, she turned around and walked off, leaving my room. I just ignored what she said. I tured my head, just to catch a glimpse of the other man, near my bed.

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