Part 1 : I find you after I lost you.

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Idiot, idiot, idiot.

Here was the one and only thought which was now crossing Drizella's head, who still wasn't realizing that yes, Gothel betrayed her.

And she couldn't believe either that she succeeded to be fooled by this witch, and that she really trusted her, and that she did believe that she mattered for her in some way.

Because, clearly, it wasn't the case, and it never was.

Her mother acted with cruelty with her, right, but at least, at no moment she made her think she was the good one.

Rapunzel – just as Drizella – knew that she was not someone good, she had conscious of it, she was a bad mother for Drizella.

But she didn't want to do the same thing with Anastasia, it was the reason why she wanted to escape from this well, this upside down tower, in which Gothel locked her up again, in this new prison, and she swore she would make her pay.

She would just have wanted Drizella to never trust her, the monster of the story, the one who took her away from her family, the one who destroyed everything, and who was surely the reason why she was now so far from Drizella.

And suddenly, she realized her daughter may not knew everything that happened, everything this terrible witch made her live, all these years ago, she may not even knew the story of the tower.

After all, she never succeeded to tell anything about it to anyone, not even to Marcus or Anastasia.

She never told her daughter what Gothel did to her, even if Drizella knew the reason why she had been far from them for years. She didn't even know it was Gothel who did this.

Her daughter who was now lying on the ground, and who was crying.

Her daughter, Drizella, her little daughter who became a woman, and that she tried to break, as Gothel broke her, or maybe it was just Anastasia's disappearance which was the cause of all of this, or maybe it was just her own darkness.

And then, as she was seeing Drizella, just there, in front of her, she shivered.

In her mind, she was seeing again a little girl, her little girl, her child, and she understood how much she was wrong, all those years ago.

All of this was her fault.

I am sorry Drizella... I am so sorry.

It had been since already some hours that she was here, and she had time to think. Gothel stole her freedom from her for six years, she made her ruin Cecilia's life, who was an innocent woman, and she stole her second daughter from her, making her fall into darkness, and she just stole her first daughter from her.

She was not going to let Drizella be again miserable, especially as Gothel just betrayed her.

Her daughter was not innocent, it was true, but compared to her, she was, she was someone good. And it was her fault, if her little girl was now broken, in pieces, twisted.


Gothel was the one who changed her poor little girl, and yes, Drizella decided this, she decided to do evil things, but all of this began with her.

Her, her mother, the monster, the indifferent.

She looked at Drizella, who still couldn't realize what just happened, and who put her legs under her chest. She was now sitting down on the ground, still crying, as her sobs were becoming even more violent.

She betrayed Regina, she let her down, she cursed her, she cursed all the other.

She destroyed the life of the woman she loved, and it was breaking her heart.

She poisoned Henry. And she broke her step-sister's happiness, while this woman never harmed her.

She separated Lucy from her father, Alice from hers, too, she separated Henry and Ella, Tiana and Hook, Alice and Robyn.

She was a monster.

Just as the woman in front of her.

But maybe that Rapunzel Tremaine was less awful than the woman who let her fall in this damn well, and who took her sister from her... Oh my god, Ana !

Rapidly, not even thinking about it more, she stand up, and this brusque move surprised Lady Tremaine, who had a movement of surprise.

"Ana, she whispered with horror. Oh no, what did I just do... What does she think of me now, oh no, that can't be true, I tried to take her magic from her, what kind of person does it exactly ? I must be the worst sister in the world..."

She began to cry again, and had Rapunzel not been sure that her daughter's reaction wouldn't have been positive, she would have surely tried to embrace her in her arms.

"Drizella, calm down, Lady Tremaine said with a voice that, she hoped, was not that sharp or authoritarian, this is not..."

Then, she bite her lip, stopping herself, knowing that if she continued talking, she would do even more damages, if it was possible.

Something like : This is not how a princess behaves.

Or maybe : This is not how I raised you.

Or even : This is not by being that pathetic that you will succeed to do anything.

But she couldn't, she shouldn't. Her daughter who suffered enough, just as herself, she didn't have to add things to this.

And maybe that it was time for her to fix her mistakes, just as Drizella had to fix hers.

After all, now, they were in the same chore.

They just had to help each other.

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