Part 3 : Family and reunion.

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After they left the well, to find Anastasia and Gothel was not really long. And, when she saw again her daughter, here, in front of her, alive, Rapunzel couldn't help but smile.

Gothel started, and then let a wicked smile appear on her lips.

"You ? My dear Rapunzel... What are you doing here ?

- I came here to get my daughter back, to take her away from you, I will do what I didn't do for Drizella. I will fight for my family."

Gothel had a grin. Anastasia was here, just next to her, and it looked like she didn't completely understand the situation.

"Mom ? Drizella ? What's happening ?

- Don't worry my dear, everything is alright. I am here now, and everything will be alright. You have to come with us, this woman, Gothel, she is evil.

- Oh, because you're not ? The witch mocked her.

- Of course she is, Drizella replied, taking her mother's defense for the first time. Just as I am. Because of you. And you're worst than her, Gothel, now, I know it. Ana, I'm sorry that I tried to take your powers, sincerely, I am sorry I told you I hated you, because it's not the case. This is not your fault if mom became that bad, this is her fault.

- What happened while I was asleep ? What... what happened to you ?

- As moving as this familial reunion can be, Gothel interrupted them, Anastasia and I, we have to leave as fast as possible. Remember, she told to the young adolescent, taking her hand to force her to follow her, we have to wake up our sisters.

- NO ! Anastasia exclaimed with force, rebelling against her for the first time since she woke up. Leaving Gothel's grip, she walked away from her, her magic activating itself then, again, making a light of fear appear in the eyes of the other witch. I want to stay with my mother and my sister.

- You're not serious, Gothel told her, trying to be less scared than she really was. This is not your place.

- Of course it is ! The young witch claimed. This is my family. Why would I want to go with you exactly ?"

Then, definitely walking away from her, she went into her mother's arms, who welcomed her with relief.

"Ana, my dear, I missed you so much... I am so sorry I didn't protect you from this witch. And, seeing Drizella's hurt look, she understood that she just couldn't do the same mistakes again, and she put her other daughter into the embrace. I am sorry, for both of you. I am sorry I was not the mother that you both deserve to have."

When Gothel tried to take Anastasia back, the young woman just turned back, and she sent her against the wall, allowing her head to meet this one.

Some minutes passed, during which the mother and the two sisters found each other back again, after all these years.

"What do we do of her now ? Drizella asked her.

- This woman is dangerous, and she has to be locked up. I don't think we can really put her into prison, but we just can't let her be free."

Taking the famous bracelets, Drizella walked into the direction of her former mentor, and she put one of the two pair of the bracelets on her wrists, taking the other for her.

"Drizella, what are you doing ? Her mother asked her.

- I am stopping her, definitely, and I am doing to her what she did to me. I will take her magic from her."

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