Part 7 : Oh please, just wake up.

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Drizella hated hospitals. These one were more or less an indirect reminder of what happened to Anastasia, and then, when her, her sister, her mother, Regina, Zelena and Rumplestiltskin came to the hospital, and in the room where Lucy was, her face began to pale more and more.

Indirectly, she made this, and even if it allowed Ana to come back, the thing is that it was this which plunged an innocent little girl into a deep coma.

In fact, she felt even more bad as she was directly confronted to the child herself, and to Henry's and Jacinda's faces, as they were both taken by fear and sadness.

But she was not the only one who felt wrong.

Rapunzel was paled too, and she immediately went in Jacinda's direction, who had a move of surprise as she was seeing her step-mother – and all these other people behind her – come here.

She would have preferred to be left alone with Henry and their pain, and not being disturbed while their... well, her daughter was in such a bad state

"Victoria, what... what are you doing here ?

- Jacinda, I came here to apologize, for what I did to you, to Henry, and to Lucy. And I came here to fix my mistakes too... Well, this won't be me directly, but...

- Don't worry mom, we can do what we have to do now, Anastasia affirmed to her mother, offering her a reassuring smile."

Jacinda gave a surprised look to this little girl she never saw before. Anastasia couldn't help but smile to the one who used to be younger than her, and who was an adult now.

"You grew up so much, she said."

Jacinda blinked two or three times, not understanding what she meant.

"Excuse me ? She asked to the child, who, once, in the past, in a time she didn't remember, used to be her sister.

- It doesn't matter Jacinda, Drizella continued, smiling to her step-sister. One day... very soon... you will understand."

And, even before Henry or Jacinda understood what was going on, the two sisters joined their hands and took Lucy's in theirs too, and they began to activate their common magic.

"Ivy... What the hell are you doing ? Jacinda asked, panicked, as strange lights were appearing under her eyes. What the hell the two of you are doing ?"

And Drizella smiled to her sister.

I am fixing what I broke.

I allow you to get your happy ending back, the one you deserve and always deserved.

I apologize for what I did to you, who was innocent, and who had nothing to do with this.

I just hope it's not too late.

"Me and Ana we are going to wake up your daughter, she told her."

Jacinda found nothing to answer to this sentence, just as Henry himself, while all the other – Regina and Zelena had closed the curtains so no one would see anything – in the room were looking at them, hoping.

And suddenly, some seconds later, the miracle happened.

And Lucy Mills opened her eyes.


"How... How is it even possible ?" Jacinda asked, both relieved and scared, running in her little daughter's direction, who was now opening slowly her eyes, while Henry was doing like her.

Lucy started when she saw that Rapunzel was here.

"What are you doing here ? She asked her grand-mother, with an aggressive voice.

- I came here to apologize. I'm sorry I lied to you, well, I manipulated you, it's more appropriate. What I told you was not false, but... it was just my story, it couldn't be applied to everyone. Including your family. To obtain a happy ending, it's not easy, but... it's possible. Your family did it, and this after a lot of ordeals. Everything is not lost Lucy, and I know that you still see me as the villain of the story, and I am, but I promise you Lucy, I am trying to change. And to break the curse.

- Victoria... What did you do to my daughter exactly ? Are you the responsible of her coma ?

- Yes Jacinda, and I am sorry. Lucy, what I did to you, I did it for selfish reasons, but also in order to wake up my little girl. She sent a tender look to Anastasia. And now, thanks to her and Ivy, you're awake. And I reassure you, I will do it so your parents will find each other."

Henry frowned.

"Excuse me, but... what do you mean ?"

Regina offered him a smile both reassured and a little tired too.

"Henry, Jacinda... there are a lot of things we have to tell you."


They all went to Roni's bar, which was a lot empty at this moment, which was good for them.

Well, after they made all the people they needed come there, this one was then a lot more full, in fact.

Everyone, well, it meant their allies in the Enchanted Forest.

That is to say, obviously, Regina, Zelena, Drizella, Rumplestiltskin, Anastasia and Rapunzel, who were awake. But also : Alice, Robyn, Hook, Henry, Ella, Lucy, as well as Tiana and Jack.

And these one, if you excepted Lucy, who already knew everything, looked at the one who remembered with opened wide eyes.

"Hum... excuse me if I ask you this, but... Tell me how did you get to this conclusion ? Tiana asked, more than just skeptical about this.

- You see, Sabine, Jacinda said, a little less skeptical than the other, you weren't there, soon.... You didn't see what Ivy – and... Ana, right ? - did.

- That is to say ? The officer just next to Sabine asked, these one being too close to each other so no one – even those who were still cursed and amnesic – could have doubts about their relationship.

- They woke up Lucy, Henry affirmed. I know it, I saw it, I was here. And even if I still can't succeed to believe that all of this is real, the fact is that I can't deny that there is something, it's sure.

- But what ? Margot asked. Magic ? How can it even be just possible ? I am sorry that I don't believe you, but it seems to be really unbelievable for me."

Drizella, even though she understood why the archer was not easy to convince, had a light sight, before forming a fireball in her left hand – a thing which was now possible for her, as she had Gothel's magic in her.

"Does it answer to your question ? She asked to a Robyn who had now her eyes opened wide by surprise, and – a little, also – by fear. Just like a great part of the people of the room, in fact.

- Hum... yes, I think. But then, who am I in this story ?

- You're my daughter, Robyn Mills, Zelena said. Robin Hood's daughter, and you're a great archer, just as your father was.

- Wait a minute... Henry asked, as scared as Robyn was. Mills ? What the hell does it have to do with me ?

- Kelly who is just there is in reality Zelena, I am myself Regina Mills, and I am your mother, Henry, well, your adoptive mother, more precisely. And Robyn is in fact your cousin. By alliance, in a way.

- In fact, Henry, you can trust me, Zelena added, you have sincerely now no desire to know your entire family tree. It could give you a headache. For example, she said, showing Rogers, this man, there, is Killian Jones, that is to say Hook, and moreover, he is also another version of your step-father, who is now in Storybrooke with your other mother, Emma Swan. Because yes, she exists."

All the cursed people looked at her with astonishment.

Then Henry exclaimed :


And Regina and Drizella couldn't help but burst into laughter.

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