Epilogue : And now, it's the end.

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It hadn't been that difficult, in the end, to succeed not to be rejected by the other, Drizella told herself. Yes, her and her mother talked for hours with Ella – and for sure, this last one still didn't forgive them for what happened to Henry, well, what almost happened to him – but, at least, she recognized that they both made a step in her direction.

And the fact is that she was more than happy to find back Anastasia.

It was her sister too, after all.

And then, there was something else, well, someone else.


To reconnect with her former girlfriend had been longer than she first predicted it – and she easily understood the reason why – but now, it was done.

Oh, of course, everything was not over, for her, for her mother, or for Gothel.

And, even if she was still angry as she used to be against the witch for she did to her (and she was also angry at herself, for what she did to the other and to herself) the fact is that she understood her, a little.

She understood her desire of revenge, after all, she had the same at a time, differently, yes, but she knew what it could make to someone.

The anger, the rage, the pain.

It had been a part of her life for eight years, and Gothel did nothing to change this.

Oh, yeah, she still hated her mother, this, it didn't change, not after what she did to her, but her, at least, she had Anastasia, Ella and Regina.

And her, she was changing, she was evolving, she was redeeming herself.

But Gothel, her, she had no one, in fact, she had no family, she just had a coven of witches, of sisters united by revenge.

Drizella could understand her anger against humans, after all, these one destroyed her family, her house, everything she used to love and care for.

This is for this reason that she decided to go to see her, some days after the end of the curse.

Not in order to exult in front of her, but in order to talk.

She asked herself, if, one day, Gothel would succeed to forget her hatred.

The problem was, for sure, that the other (herself included) would not forget so soon their hatred against her.


"What are you doing here Drizella ?

- Can we talk ?"

Only silent answered her, and the witch sighed.

"I guess I won't get out so soon.

- You cast the Dark Curse. And so did I, but at least, I tried to fix it. My mother told me she talked with you... You have all the rights to be angry, Gothel, but... maybe that you are against the wrong people.

- Why do you care exactly ?

- What I know, is that if no one helped me, I would be at your place, or with you. Luckily, this is not the case.

- So what ? You think I need help ?"

Drizella then took a serious air.

"No. Certainly not. In fact, you're not the person who needs it the most. Alice needs help, to succeed to overcome what you did to her, in the Enchanted Forest or even here. Anastasia needs help, and maybe that I do. And maybe you do too Gothel."

The witch then burst into a cold and terrible laugh.

"Absolutely not."

Drizella shrugged.

"At least, I tried."


Seattle was more pleasant than the Enchanted Forest could be, this, Robyn had to recognize this to the town.

Yes, adventures, magic, archery, all of this, it was awesome. But it also meant witches, dark magic, curses, and all the risks which could happen of it.

And here, at least, Alice was here, and not in her cottage, far from her.

She had a happy and loving smile as she saw her girlfriend walk in her direction. She was still working at Regina's bar (as they were waiting for things to become more... normal, in a way. Waiting for people to decide where they wanted to go, now that the curse was broken), and she liked it, in fact.

Her and Alice talked some minutes, before Robyn's smile disappeared, as she saw Drizella enter in the bar. This one came to see the archer, and Alice then decided to walk away from her.

After all, the young woman was the one who made her believe that she could cure her dad, and she worked with Gothel, that is to say her mother, the woman who abandoned her, the one who reduced her life into pieces, in the past.

So yes, Alice was not really okay with her presence.

Just as Robyn herself was.

"What are you doing here ? She asked to the former villain with a tone which was sharp.

- I came to see Regina.

- It's funny, because I am not surprised."

Drizella completely understood the reason why the other woman was not friendly toward her. In fact, except Regina, and the members of her own family, as well as Henry, no one really was.

She was not a pariah either, unlike her mother, who was even less appreciated than she was, as she did worst than her daughter, in the Enchanted Forest, or even in Seattle.

But people still had difficulties with her.

The thing which changed since the time of the Enchanted Forest ?

Well... just her, simply.

And her actions too.

And also maybe that it was because of the fact that Gothel finally betrayed her, indeed (yes, she had to recognize it, without this, she may never was able to come back) which helped her to understand how much she was wrong.

And now, everything or almost was different, she had to recognize it, again, without Regina, she wouldn't have been able to change.

When Robyn finally called for her aunt, and when this one came to join her, the witch had a smile.

"Hey, are you okay ?

- Yes, yes, of course... I talked with Gothel, and she was not really receptive, but at least, I tried. To be honest, I still wonder if she can change..."

Regina shrugged.

"Sincerely, I have no idea. I did it, my sister did. Rumple did it, and so you did. So... maybe yes ? Or not... I guess we will see it with time, she said, kissing her – now – actual girlfriend."

And Drizella told herself she never was that happy before this moment.

And this, for a simple reason.

She changed things.

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