Part 8 : Excuses and appropriates thank you.

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The cursed people, who knew now the entire situation, even though they were still choked, began more and more to accept the idea that maybe, all this crazy story was true.

In fact, now that everything had been explained to them, some things seemed to be clearer.

The fact that, in Hyperion Heights, nothing or almost meant something.

The irresistible attraction between Henry and Jacinda, Tilly and Margot, or even between Sabine and Rogers.

Yes, it made sense, even if it was in a kind of absurd way.

"And... so, the two of you... are the responsible of all of this, Sabine said to the two witches, that is to say, Rapunzel and Drizella.

- But, Rogers added, when you discovered that Eloise Gardener, that is to say Gothel, was the villain that she is, you decided to go into the other camp.

- And is my mother really dating Drizella ? Henry asked. I mean, if Jacinda really is Cinderella, well, Ella, and that she is my wife, so my mother is having a relationship with my sister-in-law ? Without being aggressive, I find it kind of... strange."

Regina just smirked.

"We are not together since some years, and yes, Henry, you have a right to find it strange. The funniest thing is that for you it was not really strange, at the time where her and I we were together, and where she was still a villain.

- All of this is really interesting, don't misunderstand me, Rumple interrupted them, but I think that we should focus on much more important things, like... cure Henry, for example."

Oh, yes, this. The only thing they still didn't tell Henry and the other.

"Cure... me ? But... from what ?

- Before the curse was cast, me and Gothel, we poisoned you, so the curse would never be broken. If the magic really comes back in town and that the curse stops, then... you will die.

- YOU DID WHAT ? Jacinda then screamed, not being able to believe that her sister was able to do such a horrible thing.

- A mistake. What I did, in the enchanted forest, choose to cast the Dark Curse, join the coven of the eight... all of this was just a mistake, and you and Henry, you didn't have to pay for what I did, it was not fair. This is the reason why me and Anastasia, we are going to unite our magic and cure Henry. I am so sorry Ella, for everything.

- You are not the only one who did bad things, Drizella... Rapunzel confessed. I am sorry, Ella, for what I did to you, in the Enchanted Forest, or even there.... I know I can't be forgiven for this."

Jacinda still didn't remember, and she didn't know what to think about it, not yet.

But there was one thing, just one thing, that she was sure of.

The two women, in front of her, they were sincere.

She had a half-smile.

"Well, we will see this after the curse is broken."


"There is something else, Zelena suddenly said. In fact, we have another curse to break.

- Ah, yes, continued Rumple. Talking about that... He then took a flask from his pocket.

- Are you kidding me ? Regina asked when she understood what it must imply. And you're just taking from your pocket right now ? Or, I should say, from your hat."

Rumplestiltskin had a grin.

"You know, Regina, during the eight years before the curse, I did not do nothing, unlike what you seem to think. I worked on a cure which could heal the cursed heart of our "dear" pirate. When I woke up and when I realized that I could do some magic, I continued my researches. And here we are !

- So, Rogers said with circumspection, if I drink this thing, this will... cure me.

- Exactly.

- And I guess you couldn't do the same thing with Henry, Zelena insinuated.

- Well, no deary, as I didn't know what poison touched him, while I knew more things about the curse on Hook and his daughter.

- Thanks, then...Rogers said. I guess, he added, before drinking the potion."

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