Part 2 : Anger and forgiveness.

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She continued her sentence, changing it a little.

"This is not by panicking that you... that we will find a way to escape."

Drizella burst into laughter.

"Because you really think that I want to help you mother ? If the answer is yes, then, well, you're so wrong.

- Listen to me... you and I, we are not in good terms (Rapunzel knew it, she surely won the price of the euphemism of the year), but we have a common enemy and a common purpose. Gothel, on one side, Anastasia, on the other. I know you hate me, and this curse is a proof of this, you and her, you're the one who cast it, I know it now.

- What do you propose ? Her daughter asked her, seeming to be still bitter.

- We have to get out of this well, and then, we have to go after Anastasia, and with the two of us, we will be able to make her flee Gothel as fast as possible, and we will make her go away from her."

Drizella had an ironic smile, and she nodded her head in a sarcastic air.

"And then what, mother ? Just it ? We become allies, we work together, and then, nothing ? I don't want to be egocentric, mother, but tell me, when do we talk about it, about my pain ? About you did to me ?

- Drizella, you're angry against me, and I understand it, but we don't have time for this. We will do this later, I promise. We have to save Anastasia now, she is with Gothel, and she is in danger, and I don't even want to imagine what Gothel can be doing to her.

- You see, I was for years with this woman, and I am still fine."

Her mother looked a long time at her, seeing the truth, and realizing what Drizella was desperately trying to hide from her. That she still was the little girl who just wanted her mother's love, even if she couldn't admit it.

And her mother's heart, which was for so long locked up to Drizella, just focused on Anastasia (but Ana was fine, she was awake, and yes, Lucy was asleep, and she was maybe going to die, but her daughter was fine, and this, it mattered more than the rest. To know that her older daughter, her little heroine, was fine. Now, it was time for her to take care of Drizella.) then was broken.

Again Drizella, I am sorry.

But she still couldn't say all the words which could have changed everything some years ago, and which would have allowed her daughter not to fall, the words she was so desperately waiting for since all this time, even still today.

Except that they never came.

And this, Drizella, it still didn't surprise her.

"No Drizella, her mother answered her, and for the first time, the young woman saw another emotion toward her, another than just disdain, you're certainly not fine. And this is my fault."

But it was not enough, and Drizella sent another look of despise to her mother.

"Tell me, mom (it had been since years that she didn't call her this way, and it hurt Rapunzel even more), do you know how it feel ? To be forced to shut up for years ? To tell nothing ? To let your head down, being afraid of saying or doing something wrong, something which would not be appropriate ? Do you know how it feel to know that you're nothing, that you're not enough, that you will never be enough ?

- Drizella, please... her mother implored her. Think about Ana.

- Don't worry, mother. She is fine, I am sure of it. Gothel needs her, she won't kill her. About what she is going to do to her, well... As she saw the light of fear in her mother's eyes, she smiled again, despite her tears. You see ? Again, you just want to take care of Anastasia. Your precious daughter. So precious and perfect, that she made you forget that you had another daughter. It was not a problem for you, right, when I left with Gothel ?

- Of course it was ! Rapunzel roared, and, for the first time since years, her mask seemed to really break, facing her daughter. What do you think ? That I felt nothing when I saw my worst enemy, the one who once destroyed my life, do the same thing with my other daughter ? That she was going to take her from me, and change her, and turn her into someone like her ? Of course it hurt me Drizella ! But I already lost you at this time, because of myself, and it was too late ! I didn't fight for you at this time, Drizella, and I am so sorry of this.

- Really mother ? Drizella asked her, and it seemed like she really wanted to believe it. Or, is it just because you want to be able to find Anastasia ?

- You're my daughter Drizella, and I love you. So, go on, talk to me, tell me what you never could tell me."

Drizella nodded her head, and she wiped her tears, thinking about what could have been good for her, there, in the Enchanted Forest.

Yes, there was one thing she never could tell her mother, and by the way, she couldn't say a lot of things, as her mother was right. They had to go and save Anastasia.

"I like women ! She screamed with a strong voice to her mother, who was surprised. Oh, and before you tell anything, I was happy, in the Enchanted Forest, for a time. With Regina."

And, with the way she was telling it, it looked like she was a rebellious little girl who just wanted to shock her mother, and Rapunzel couldn't help finding it adorable, in a way.

Oh, and this revelation did nothing to her, of course.

She finally dared taking her daughter in her arms, and, if Drizella was uncertain first, she then answered to the embrace, while Rapunzel was smiling.

And, now that Ana was awake, she was finally able to find the words to comfort Drizella.

"It doesn't matter. You will always be my daughter. I love you Drizella, and I am sorry for everything I did to you."

And it was like the wound Drizella had in her since years was beginning to heal a little, finally.

"Thanks mom, she whispered, crying."

But this time, these tears were full of relief.

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