Part 5 : Oh ! So you're back ! (I didn't miss you.)

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Some hours later, they all went (well, the one who knew for the curse) at Roni's bar.

And the looks on Drizella and Victoria were not really friendly...

"Well, Regina then said, in order to break the ice, and make the tensions disappear. Yes, Drizella and Lady Tremaine...

- Rapunzel, the company director replied to her.

- Excuse me ?

- My name is Rapunzel. I know it can seem to be futile, but I want to be called by my true name."

Regina rolled her eyes, but she accepted.

"Well, alright then. So, Drizella and Rapunzel are both villains, and are the responsible more or less direct of the present situation, the curse, Lucy's state, Henry's state too... And as the two of you (she was talking to Zelena and Rumple), I am very angry against them."

In fact, they were now six in the room : Victoria (well, Rapunzel), and her two daughters, Regina herself, as well as Rumple and Zelena.

"But, Regina continued, first, if we except Anastasia just here, we are all more or less reformed villains, and it is true that each of us in this room already tried once to kill one of the other people in this room. Moreover, I really think that Gothel is what we can call the worst of us, and she has to be stopped. And, as our two villains right here are ready to help us, then, why not.

- Oh, you know, Regina, I agree with you. But I have something to do before, Zelena admitted."

Then, with no warning, she stand up, and hit first Rapunzel, and then Drizella, and sat down again, giving a look of apologize to Anastasia.

"Sorry kid, but your mother and your sister separated me from my daughter, and it makes me quite angry."

The adolescent nodded her head.

"Well, Regina said, now that it's done... what do we do ?

- Anastasia and Drizella seem to be powerful enough to succeed to wake up Lucy and cure Henry, Rumplestilt said.

- And... that's all ? Regina asked, a little surprised. I mean... only this ? No great evil to destroy, no potion to prepare, or something like that ? We bring Drizella and Anastasia to Lucy's bedside... and nothing else ? It will be over later ?

- In fact, Regina, the most of the work has already been done by Drizella, Rapunzel and Anastasia, Rumplestilt replied. Gothel can't hurt anyone, and she is in prison now. I am not sure we can make her be condemned, but, even if she goes out now, she doesn't have her magic anymore, and she won't be able to hurt anyone in town."

The entire assemble just made a pure sight of relief.

"That's for the best, Regina said, relieved too. That's really for the best. Well, as everything had been more or less fixed, in fact about the end of the curse, I think that everyone can go home. So, we will all go tomorrow at the hospital to wake up Lucy. Zelena, of course, you stay here. Rumple, could you stay here too ? I have to talk to you.

- Regina... Drizella tried, as she would have wanted to be able to talk with her former girlfriend, just for a moment. But, not surprisingly, Regina didn't even give her a look, and the young woman then felt her mother's hand on her shoulder. She turned back, and she saw her mother smile to her with comprehension.

- Drizella, you have to give her time... You can talk to her tomorrow, if you want to, but I don't think she is ready to listen to you right now. Her grand-daughter and her son are still in danger, because of us. Now, we have to go home."

Drizella looked at her mother, that she still blamed for what she did to her, and she looked at her sister, who was now her little sister, a thing which happened by accident, and she smiled.

After all, she also had her own problems to fix.


When the two sisters and the wizard appeared to be alone, Regina gave him a look full of anger.

"Listen to me well Rumple, the next time I ask your help to save Henry, don't lie to me, and don't tell me you don't remember. And don't ask me : "Who is Belle ?", doing as if you knew nothing. Right ?

- It was more careful for me if I did as if I didn't remember anything of this.

- Why ? Because of Victoria ?

- In a way, yes."

Regina sighed.

"It doesn't matter... I think that..."

But, before she was able to add anything to her sentence, the bar's door opened, and Tilly suddenly entered into this one.

"Tilly ? The policeman asked, surprised. What are you doing here ?

- Detective Rogers told me that you may be here. The young woman twisted her hands with anxiety and with a non-assured air, especially when she noticed Regina's and Zelena's presence. I can come back later, if you want me to.

- No, of course no, Regina affirmed. You can stay Tilly, if you want it. What's going on ?

- This is about Eloise Gardener... Is it true that she is going to prison ?"

It looked like she was terribly relieved by this possibility, and Regina could just agree with her. Knowing Alice's story, you could just agree with the fact that the woman who abandoned her just deserved to rot in prison.

(Just as Alice herself did, in this terrible tower during the first years of her life.

Because of her.)

"Yes, she will, if things go well. But I don't want to give you false hopes, Rumple answered her."

Tilly just nodded her head and smiled weakly.

"Do you want to sit down with us ? Regina invited her, seeing how bad the young woman seemed to feel."

She accepted, and, as the group was talking of things and other, the door opened again, and Zelena started.

"Margot ?"

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