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He presses his lips to the glass of the bus and blows hot air, which he wipes away with the sleeve of his shirt. In the distance he can see the boarding school.

"This is it..."
He'd asked the bus driver to let him know when it was his stop. Sure enough when he pulls up he realizes that he is definitely at the right place. It's a rainy day and the bus driver has been nice enough but when he looks out the window he seems a bit reluctant.


"You sure you want to get out here man. This school isn't for...normal people. You know that right? This is that gay high school."

He looks out of the window away from the bus driver. Arthur A. Dread's institute for Queer Theory and the Social Construction of Sexuality. It was an experimental school. You pass the experiment successfully and graduate and you get your full tuition paid for to any college of your choosing. Any college. Parents sent their kids to this high school to see if they could help them "come to terms" with their sexuality, but the kids agreed to make sure their future was intact.
"This is the place."

"You sure?"
"I'm positive."
"Positive huh? You will be if you get off this bus. HIV positive, Herpes positive, Gonorrhea, positive, Chlamydia positive, Syphilis positive. You are going to come back with the crabs, the clap, the football head."
"The football head, huh?" he asks the bus driver, "That's a new one..."
"Sure is. Word on the street is the whole gay high school is a front. Word on the street is they do all sorts of weird gay experiments Word on the street is they just got a whole bunch of sissies up there to come up with new STDs. You know there is a shortage of monkeys. I saw it on Bill O'Reilly."

Gays are the new test monkeys?
He laughs at how serious this bus driver actually is, "Sounds fun."
"Stay on the bus man. Don't go to that place. It's hell."
"Well, why didn't you tell me. You might need to hurry up and let me off. I always wondered how big the devil's dick was."
The bus driver damn near shits himself, literally.

He gets off the bus just in time to avoid a real talking about moral etiquette. He usually wasn't the type to be rude but the bus driver definitely had it coming.

He looks around. The place is bigger than he thought. It almost takes a mile just to walk up to the front gate and once he checks in with the gates person he can see the incredibly big campus just beyond. They called it Dread Fort because the place used to be a fort back in the day. It wasn't that now.
"Name?" the man at the front gate asks.
"Karma Patterson."

"Welcome to Dread Fort," the man at the gate states, passing him a bag.

Karma looks in the bag. He expects to see a bag full of books and pamphlets. Maybe a map of this enormous campus for recent transfers. He's wrong. The bag is full of condoms, lubricant and a notepad with a font header entitled: My Sexual Experience.

Karma looks back at the bus. His heart drops in his stomach. All of a sudden he thinks that maybe he has made the worst mistake in his life coming to this school.

Maybe the bus driver had a point after all...



It's been several years now that I've been at the Dread Fort. I came up in middle school. My brother's girlfriend has a thing for telling me to "kiss his ass" to everything I tell him, yo. He's a real smart fucking ass yo. He's a Harlem nigga. Up around that way they were all smart asses. He used to come around all the time and sag his pants and what not. Then he would say some gay fuckin' shit.

"You always coming around asking for money," I remember telling him one day.

My sister was a dummy too, yo. The girl gets him all comfortable on her couch and shit. Then she takes the car and goes to the bank to get the money. The weird thing is my sister wasn't even ugly. She was a cool girl. Gorgeous really. She just didn't know how to play the game right. She got used...often. That's just how it was with her. I got it though. I got the game so every chance I get I was calling her broke ass boyfriend out on his bullshit.

Accidentally on Purpose MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now