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"Did you consider Henry a friend?" - Yes

"Were GQ and Sire around when Henry died?" - Yes

"Did GQ and Sire have anything to do with the death of Henry?" Yes.

My heart is racing. I'm piling on him. I can't believe he did this. I can't believe he sold me out like this. My heart is pacing. I don't know who is madder at that moment. Sire or me. I don't know who is more pissed.

All I know is at this moment history is repeating itself. We considered Imani a friend. We considered him a true friend and he just threw us under the bus the same exact way that he threw

I punch Imani pulling him to the ground and wanting to choke the whole life out of him. It isn't until Joker and the other Tops run over that I realize I may have gone too far.
"Why?" Sire keeps asking him.

Sire is crying. He's always been the emotional one out of all of us. Truth is though I want to cry. I want to fucking tear up and cry. Why would he do this?

I see Imani pleading from the ground.

"I had no idea they would release that," he explains, "The questioning is misleading. They are trying to make it seem like I'm selling you out. That's not the case."
The questioning didn't try to make him seem like he was selling us out. The answers that Imani gave was what made me think he was selling us out.
"Leave him alone...goddam murderer," Joker says pushing me as hard as possible.

Joker pushes me onto the ground. It's at that moment I look around and I see the faces of everyone. Everyone is looking at me. Everyone is looking at Sire. Everyone has this look that is telling me that they are judging me. They are thinking that I really had something to do with Henry. They are thinking that I killed him. My heart is beating fast in my chest. I don't understand it. I don't understand why Imani would record that video. I don't understand why Imani would implicate us in the death of Henry.

Those faces were just looking at me. The music stops. Everyone gets quiet. I feel so alone. The only one who knows how I feel right now is Sire and for some reason, I can't even be there for him. These people once worshiped me but now they were looking at me with pure hate.

All these faces.

All these judgments.
"It's not how you think it is," I explain to everyone and no one at that moment.

I feel like I have to defend myself. I don't know how though. Imani was the one who was good at words. Imani had been the one to betray me. I look over at him. Not too long ago he was telling me that we were real friends. Not too long ago he was telling me that nothing should come between my friendship.

I was considering cutting off someone I cared about for him.

I was considering letting Karma go.

"Oh god..." I whisper to myself.
I turn at that moment and see Karma. He's standing up away from the others. He looks over at me. All of a sudden no one else's judgment matters but his. Karma is looking at me and he just looks so fucking disgusted.

"Karma, let me explain," I tell him.

I reach over. I want to grab him. I want to let him know that I didn't mean to fuck with Henry that night. Was I jealous of Henry? Maybe. Did I mean to kill him? No. That is the truth. It just happened and the cover-up had nothing to do with me.
"Don't fucking touch me," Karma responds.

He has this glazed over disgusted look on his face. He takes a step back as though I'm contagious. Karma hasn't looked at me like that before. I can feel this sick feeling in my stomach. I've never really been so concerned about hurting someone's feelings but right now it feels like my heart is breaking slowly watching Karma's pain. I feel like I want to grab him. I want to explain to him the entire situation but there's nothing that I can really do in regards to this. He won't let me close to him. He won't even fucking talking to me.

Accidentally on Purpose MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now