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I'm in a room when I wake up. I'm completely naked. I don't know how long I've been out. The last thing I remembered I was being sent to a place called the Red Room.


I'm panicking. Why am I naked? The room that I am in has a bed and a box in it. I look over at the other side of the room where I see Dr. Pine and a few of his assistants. They are looking at me with those same curious eyes like they always did.

"I think we're close," Dr. Pine states, "I think we're close to finding it."

"We can't be wrong this time. We don't have much time."

"No. I'm telling you. We're close to getting it," Dr. Pine assures them.

"And when we find it. Are you ready to do what is necessary Pine?"

"We have no choice."

"You know what is at stake don't you Pine?"

"Of course I do."

"You hesitated when it came to Henry."

"Henry wasn't what we were looking for."

"He's still a primitive. We can't have you hesitate again Pine. Next time what if we find IT? Will you hesitate then?"

There is a pause. They are acting as though I can't see them through the glass. They are acting as though my entire presence doesn't matter. Pine has this real concerned look on his face. He looks as though he is trying to figure something out.

"I am the one who translated the messages," he states firmly, "Aren't I? I don't have an attachment to the primitives. I'll do whatever it takes."

I'm so confused. What messages were they talking about? What did they mean that Dr. Pine hesitated when it came to Henry? I'm so confused and I want answers. I remember screaming at them when I was supposed to be distracting people for Imani. I remember how mad I was that they didn't answer my questions. It was almost like they had no respect for me. It was almost like they looked at me as something inferior to them. Primitives. That's what they called us. What the hell was going on here? I didn't understand.

I run to the glass and I'm punching it as hard as I can. I'm going crazy like I did outside when they brought me into the red room. I'm pounding the glass as hard as I can.

"Please stop," Pine orders me.

"I want answers. I want FUCKING answers. You can't keep me locked up in here. I have rights, you know? I have rights."

I'm pounding on the glass as hard as I can. What the fuck was happening in this school. They were holding kids prisoners and experimenting on them. I knew I shouldn't have done it. I knew when they reached out to me I should have turned them down. My parents acted almost like I had to go here. I knew I didn't want to. I should have just stayed in my old school where things were normal. This school was beyond weird.

"No you don't," Pine tells me, with a cold, unmoved face, "Step away from the glass please."

"I'm going to break this shit down."

"This is your last warning."

"Suck my dick bitch."

He would probably enjoy that. Fucking pervert. Every time anyone in this school did or said anything sexual they were around to take notes. They were around to find out just how sexual we were. They fucking loved it. They fucking loved the idea of being fucking perverts.

Accidentally on Purpose MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now