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Karma presses his hands in his pockets. Being in this place was something new to him. It was something different. He knew it was an experimental school that hadn't been done yet. He hadn't expected so many eyes to be on him. The lesbians were glaring. The gays were gawking. In the distance there were cameras looking down on him.

He's standing there looking like a gazelle surrounded by lions with nothing but his luggage and a map in his hands. He doesn't understand why everyone is looking at him the way they are. No one is even giving him a friendly smile or anything like that. They are just...staring.

He's never felt so awkward in his life.

He's never felt so out of place.

"You lost?" a voice says.

He turns around and sees one of the most beautiful figures he's seen in his life. The boy is dark skin. He looks like milk chocolate. There isn't a flaw or line on his body. Karma squints a little bit wondering if this boy has make up on because his skin is so completely flawless. That isn't the case. The boy does have on a tank top. It clings to his torso and Karma can only assume that this boy is an athlete. He seems to have a confidence that a lot of the other students don't have and Karma is clear on why. He was certain this guy had to be some sort of God, sent down from the heavens to save him from the awkwardness of this moment.

"I really didn't get any directions on what I should do," Karma tells him, "Everyone's staring at me."

"As gay men we are obligated to throw shade."

Karma finds himself smirking at the response, "Obligated? Really, didn't know it was a law."

"Oh absolutely. Commandments. Gay Moses came down from the mountain and told us so. Right after parting his ass cheeks and getting his burning bush."

Karma finds himself genuinely laughing. This guy wasn't only fine as fuck, with perfect teeth, an amazing body, full eyebrows, long eyelashes but he also had a sense of humor. He finds himself laughing probably a little bit more than he should at that point.

"You have a beautiful laugh," the boy states.

As the boy says that he bites his lower lip. It drives Karma crazy. This guy had to have known he was attractive...way out of Karma's league. Karma was sure he was just one of those guys that flirted with everyone. Maybe it was the fact that he was a new student. Maybe he was just being nice and not trying to come off as flirtatious at all.


"My name is Sire...what's yours?"

"Unique name...mine's is Karma."

"And I'm the one with the unique name? You going to get me back for something I did wrong in the past Karma?"

"Nah. My parents just had a sick sense of humor."

Karma remembers the past with his parents. They were always jokers. They never took anything seriously. Growing up Karma would see other people who had responsible parents. His parents never got to that level. He never really looked at his parents as his parents.

"Well follow me Karma. We should find your room. You know what dorm you are in?" the boy asks.


"You're a top?"

The boy looks at him as though he doesn't really believe it. Karma isn't really feminine but he isn't some macho guy that definitely wasn't getting fucked like Sire.

Karma thinks about it. He remembers how people reacted to him saying he was a virgin in the office. Maybe it would just be easier to lie.

"Yeah...I'm a top."

Accidentally on Purpose MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now