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"They TOOK him!"

Karma storms into the dorm room.

Karma is shaken up. He has the cutest distraught face when he is upset. It wrinkles up and his big lips suck in tensing a little bit. There is something about Karma. The first time you look at the guy you think he's just a basic looking guy. Then you see his personality. You realize just how much he cares. You realize just how much of a good person he is. That doesn't happen a lot. Not around the Dread Fort. And all of a sudden he looks more and more attractive. All of a sudden you can't keep his eyes off of him. All of a sudden he is the most attractive man you've ever seen.

"Karma calm down, are you OK?" one of the boys named Joker asks.

I take a look at GQ. We have to be thinking the same thing. Whatever happened we want it to be kept between us. The last thing we needed was our business out there floating around the Dread Fort.

GQ walks over to Karma. He puts his hand on his shoulder. He holds him close. There is this connection that he still has with Karma that makes me immediately jealous. I watch how he is so good at comforting Karma.

"I got this," GQ states.

"You sure?" Joker asks.

A couple of the other guys seemed concerned as well. Karma was very dramatic when he ran in here. The last thing I wanted was to make anyone uncomfortable.

"How about you guys mind your fucking business," I state, "GQ take him in the room."

The guys may not like GQ and Sire anymore but they still respected me. I watch as they all turn around and try not to make a big deal out of this.

We hustled Karma into GQ's room though. We lock the door and turn on the music in case one of those nosy fuckers got any ideas. I look over at Karma. He's still in GQ's arms. It's fucking killing me to see him like that. I want to be the one comforting Karma but I know I can't. I'm the one that is hard to touch. I'm the one who is cold. It's hard for me to let anyone near me.

"What's wrong?" GQ is asking.

He's grasping at Karma, attempting to calm him down by squinting his already sharp slanted eyes at him and giving his this piercing longing stare. I've seen GQ do this before when he was trying to sweep people off their feet. Usually, it worked.

"They took Sire to the Red Room," Karma states.

He's shocked. He's scared.

The truth is none of us knew what the Red Room even was.

"Dammit," GQ states shaking his head, "I knew I should have gone. I knew this wasn't a good idea. It's almost like they are watching us. They know our every move."

"Even now? You think?" Karma asks.

He looks around. I can see a shiver run up his spine at that moment. He looks shaken. He looks scared. He must be thinking the same thing GQ and I are starting to think. This experiment was fishy. Something weird was going on and now one of my best friends was taken just like others who had disappeared.

It is clear that things aren't going to go well in this situation.

I sit on the bed. I don't put my hand on Karma even though I want to. I look over at him and I just start shaking.

"It'll be OK," I state.

He turns to me. I don't think he expects me to give these comforting words. Hell, I don't expect myself to be comforting anyone. GQ looks at me like I'm a whole new person especially when I slowly reach my hand over. It's awkward but I need to do this. I put my hand on Karma's thigh a little bit. I give it a long hard squeeze.

Accidentally on Purpose MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now