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"I need to talk to Dr. Pine," I state.

I'm at the front office. The office has no decorations or characters save these regular gray block statues on the desk. Down the long hallway was the red room. There was a door there. It was always locked. No one went in the red room. No one except Jamal Comey that one day a while ago. And Pine of course. Pine always went into the room. I've been stalking him for days trying to find Pine but I've had no luck. He makes random appearances. He's not the type of headmaster to discipline or anything like that. There were only very few rules when it came to the Dread Fort. Because of this, seeing Pine was like seeing a unicorn. The one rule of the Dread Fort was clear. Don't interfere with the experiment.

Jamal Comey had interfered with the experiment.

"Pine had promised me that Jamal wouldn't become a problem moving forward. Well, that wasn't the case. Jamal was a problem. Jamal being back was a problem. He's been completely quiet.

The two secretaries at the front desk lift their eyes almost in unison. They have these square framed glasses and these icy blue eyes. They look at me and give me a smile, at the same time.

"About what?" one of them asks.

"That's personal," I respond.

"What's personal?"

"What I have to talk to him about is personal?"

One of them takes out a notepad at that moment. The bitch takes out a notepad and then glares up at me like I'm about to give some life changing sermon.

"Do you consider your relationship with Dr. Pine to be...personal?" she asks.

It's a weird fucking question to ask. Was she implying that there was something emotional going on between me and Dr. Pine? What the fuck kind of question is that?

"No. Hell no."

"Then why do you believe that you could have something personal to talk to him about?"

I'm annoyed. I'm annoyed as fuck. This wasn't the first time these ladies played with my head. It's almost like the faculty of this school loved to test us. They loved to see how we would respond to shit even if we weren't in class. I can't help but immediately get pissed off at her line of questioning. My face wrinkles. I put my fists down on the table.

"Look bitch," I tell her, "I'm not the one to fuck with. I need to talk to Dr. Pine now! Do you fucking hear me?"

The other assistant puts her hands on her chin as though trying to figure something out. They look at me. They exchange glances. They take notes. They study me like I'm some kind of fucking lab rat or something.

"I see..." is the only thing she says.


"Very emotional," one says to the other.

"Very..." the other replies.

I look down on the notepad. Words are written on the paper that I don't seem to understand. They are coded words. As I look down I watch her move her paper, clearly wanting to keep the information from me.

"What are you writing on that sheet?" I ask her, "Bitch, what are you writing about me?"

"You seem angry. What makes you angry?"

"Fuck YOU BOTH!"

I slap over the blocks at that moment. This wasn't going anywhere. If Pine wasn't going to see me then I was going to go straight to the source. I was going to find Jamal Comey and I was going to make sure the motherfucker didn't talk. One way or the other.

Accidentally on Purpose MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now