Chapter 1

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A/n: apparently, according to a voice interaction between Torb and Mccree, Mccree must've lost his arm after the fall of overwatch. Just a little heads up for people who weren't aware. Like myself two seconds ago.

You stood at the entrance of the new Overwatch base. You were nervous. You didn't know what to expect. Who would be here? What's it gonna be like? You held your breath as you walked toward the door. There was no way of manually opening the door so you waited. "Welcome agent (l/n)." You recognized Athena's voice. The door slid open. You hesitated. You haven't seen anyone in so long and didn't bother to get in contact with any of them. You feel like shit. You were walking for awhile until you ran into someone. It was Winston.

"(Y/n)! I didn't know you were here already! Athena I told you to let me know when she arrived." Winston spoke. "My apologies." Athena simply responded. "Hey how you doing Winston?" You were glad to see a familiar face. "Great! How are you?" He smiled. "I'm doing fine. So...... who's here?" You were a bit nervous to see the others. "Why don't you come see for yourself?" He smirked. You nodded and followed Winston. He lead you through some halls to an open area. Groups of people dotted the room. A small group was standing on the far end of the room. You recognized some of the people. Torbjorn, Reinhardt, and Ana talking to a man you didn't recognize.

Another group was situated by the couch in the center. Mccree, Tracer, and Mei talking to a Korean girl, and a Brazilian boy you didn't recognize. Your gaze lingered on the cowboy for a bit. Mostly on his cybernetic prosthetic. That's new. You took a mental note to ask about that later. You looked over at the last people. Genji and Mercy sitting on a different couch chatting with an Omnic you didn't recognize. A buff, pink haired woman sat at a table casually lifting weights. Winston cleared his throat. Everyone in the room turned to face you two. You made eye contact with Mccree. He gave you a crooked smirk. His brown eyes locked onto your (e/c) ones.

"I want you all to welcome (y/n)." Winston looked towards you. You tore your gaze from Mccree to look at everyone else. Your nervousness set back in. You gave a shy wave and a quiet hi. People raced up to you. Tracer was the first to greet you. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! YOUR BACK!" She practically screamed at you. She pulled you into a tight hug. You laughed lightly. "Hey Tracer." You spoke softly. The next person to greet you was Mei. "Welcome back (Y/n)!" She cheered and joined in on the hug. Suddenly you were scooped up off the ground. "It is wonderful to have you back my friend!" Reinhardt cheered as he placed you on his shoulder. You laughed. "It's nice to be back Rein." You smiled as he placed you back on the ground. "It's been awhile, hasn't it darlin'." You heard that familiar southern drawl from behind you. You spun around as fast as possible and jumped into his arms. "Hey cowboy! It's been too long!" You giggled as he picked you up and spun you. " I hope you've taken the time in these past 7 years to learn how to shoot a gun properly." He raised and eyebrow. You playfully punched him in the shoulder. "My shooting was and still is fine thank you very much." You scoffed. He ruffled your hair. "Sure." Was all he said before someone else came to greet you.

"It's good to see I will have some help around the medical bay." You turned to see Mercy. "Hey Angela." You smiled. Genji was standing next to her. "It's great to see you." You said to him. He nodded in acknowledgement. You saw Ana and Torb walk up to you. "How have you been?" Ana said. "I've been great, more importantly how have you been?" She smiled at you. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine." You looked to Torb. "Glad you're back. I'm getting tired of their constant whining  while they patch me up." Torb chuckled pointing at Ana and Mercy. The two glared at him, while you laughed. "Don't worry, I got you." You snickered. You were then greeted by the Korean girl and Brazilian boy. "Hi! I'm and this is Lucio." The girl said. "Hello hello." The boy greeted. "Hi, I'm (Y/n). It's nice to meet you." You smiled at them.

Mccree grabbed your attention. "God we can't seem to get rid of you can we?" He laughed. "It's gonna take a lot to get rid of me cowboy." You cast him a glance over your shoulder. He walked up to you and slung his arm around your shoulder. "I'm glad." He whispered. You just smiled. It's going to be great here.

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