Chapter 5

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You were excited for the mock mission to start. Defend the point. Athena said as the doors to our "spawn" open. Everyone rushed to the point to set up. and Mei were chatting as the waited. You and Genji stayed silent. "(Y/n) I need you to stay focused on the match and not your fuck buddy, alright? I wanna win!" wore a shit eating grin. "Shut up." You groaned in annoyance. The match then started. The other team came from the left side first. You made sure everyone was fully healed at all times. Your team was doing fine until ults were popped. "It's high noon." You barely hear it over the gunfire. "Shit." You quickly locate the cowboy. You pull the closest person to you with you behind a pillar.'s out of mech.

The other team was able to take the first point. Your team stood watch on the second one. You notice something move in a small room off to your right. You go and investigate. You walk in, side arm raised. You're then pulled backward by someone. You're about to call out for your teammates but the person shushed you. "C'mon darlin' don't give away my position now." He whispered. You turned to face the cowboy. "God I hate you so much." You smiled at him. He gave you a lopsided grin. Mccree pulled you in for a kiss. The world around you seemed to disappear. You clutched onto the fabric of his shirt as he moved his hands from your face to your hips. You suddenly heard gunshots. You pushed him away. Two of your teammates were taken down while Mccree distracted you. "You little bitch." He just gave an innocent smile. You quickly shot him in the head. The red paint on his forehead dripping down. "Fair." He put his hands up and trudged back to his team's "spawn". You ran back onto the point to help whoever was left. was fighting the three others from Mccree's team. You healed her and shot at the other people. "Where were you?!" She asked as the others from your team joined you two. "Mccree was flanking." You said. "You took so long I'm starting to think you two were fucking." groaned in annoyance.

Your team ended up winning. It was hard but fun. You were back in your "spawn" cleaning up. You then met back up with everyone for lunch. You sat with everyone you usually sit with but didn't eat as you just weren't feeling it. You had about 3 hours or so before training continued. "She took so long and her excuse was 'Mccree was trying to flank' i swear they must've been fucking!" was telling everyone at the table. You groaned in annoyance. "What's up with you sticking your nose into my personal life?" You gave her a warning glare. She shrugged. "I just think you and the cowboy look cute together." That wasn't the real answer and that wasn't the answer you wanted out of her. Conversations continued as usual nothing interesting. "We have a big mission in a week!" Tracer cheered. This grabbed your attention. "I haven't been told much but from what I've heard it's going to be intense!" She continued. "Who's going?" You piped up. "Well me of course, and ummm, hmmmm, uhhhhh, well..." She trailed off. You shook you head as you giggled slightly. "Well I'm gonna get going now. I've got things to do." You say as you stand up. The others also decide to disperse.

You sat in your room just waiting for 4:00 to come around. You don't mind. It's a peaceful change of pace. You were lost in thought till someone knocked on your door. Before you could say or do anything the person entered. As they entered they spoke. "I'm just comin' in, you better be decent. Although I won't mind if you aren't." His charming southern drawl sending shivers down your spine. His previous comment made you blush. You hadn't even seen him or talked to him and he's already turning you into a mess. Get your shit together. You told yourself. You shook your head and looked at him. He quickly looked you over. Mccree then sat on the bed next to you. "How are you doin'?" He asked. "Fine." You quickly respond. There was silence for a bit. You saw Mccree visibly tense up. He scratched his beard. A nervous tick of his, you noted. "Sorry, god this is weird. I haven't seen you in forever, and now I'm uh kinda freezin' up." He adjusted his serape pulling it right back over his cybernetic arm. Another nervous tick. In just two seconds you somehow broke down his walls made up of flirtatious and bold comments, and sarcasm. It was interesting. "It's alright I'm in the same situation." You spoke softly. He laughed awkwardly. "So since we're in this position. Talk to me. Let's real talk for a second."

Mccree slowly nodded his head. "So the arm..." You started. He seemed to not want to answer. "I said real talk me." You narrowed your eyes at him. He went stiff. "Look I'll talk with you about anything else but not fuckin' this." He forced out. "Please. If you don't wanna that's fine this is the last time I'll push." You put your hands up slightly as a sort of signal saying you would give up. He sighs. "Look it was a minor accident. Got it blown off. It's not that big of a deal. Can we stop talking about it now?" He sighed. It suddenly hit you. This man. Jesse Mccree. He was self conscious of his prosthetic. This outgoing flirt of a cowboy was self conscious. Your gaze softened. You had no idea why he was so self conscious about it but..."I promised I wouldn't press any further." You say softly. He nods. "So about this thing we have going on here." You continued. He nods again. "I'm not sure about this." You look away. You saw the hurt in his eyes. "I just...I don't know what it is...I just don't know." You had no words to explain what you were feeling. It remained silent for awhile. "Did I do somethin' wrong?" It was spoken so quietly you weren't sure you heard correctly.

"Nonononononono! Of course not! It's me! It's been me all along! I'm the reason this can't work! Because I fuck up everything!" Your sudden outburst shocks the cowboy. You put your head in your hands. In a matter of two seconds he was able to break you down. Tear away the calm and collected facade. "Since we're in this position let's talk."

A/n: it's ya boi, uh, skinny penis here with another chapter. I like the beginning of it and hate the end but oh well what can ya do. Also forgive spelling mistakes I'm tired. I pulled an allnighter last night and now I'm still up. Yay for insomnia! C u guys later.

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