Chapter 13

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"(Y/n)?" Someone called out to you. You lazily lift your head, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. It was Angela. "Yeah, what's up?" You yawn. "What are you doing up here?" She tilted her head slightly. You stand and stretch some more as you speak. "I was stargazing but I must've fallen asleep." The blonde motioned for you to follow her. "76 came to me looking for you. We thought something bad happened to you." You scoff at her statement causing Zeigler to give you a confused glance. "Like anyone gives a shit about me." You growled. "Excuse me?" Angela asked, stunned. "Nothing." You sighed as you both continued walking. The air was tense, heavy, and suffocating.

Days went by and everyone noticed your bitter mood. Everything that you had been brushing off to keep being optimistic crashed down on you. You now regretted coming here. As you pushed your food around at breakfast you felt everyone's eyes on you. You hunched over the table, running a frustrated hand through your hair."Are you doing alright love?" Lena spoke up. You glanced up at her slightly. "Just peachy." You words dripping with so much venom it was overwhelming to the recipient. The Britt went quiet, not bothering to press further. You couldn't take it anymore. You were about to have a mental breakdown. "(Y/n), accompany me to my office?" Angela stood giving you a worried smile. You sighed, stood up, and followed her. The walk was awkwardly silent not helping to relieve your stress. Eventually you made it to her office. She opened the door and you could see 76 inside. She walked in then turned to face you. You put your hands up-symbolizing that you were done here-then started to walk away.

"Wait (Y/n)!" The blonde called after you. "No Angela I'm not dealing with anyone's shit today!" You snarled ,speeding up. You were almost away when you heard Angela shout. "Jesse stop her!" You looked behind you to see the gunslinger turn his attention from his current task to you. He rolled his eyes but gave chase. He was right on your tail as you haphazardly ran through the base, not really paying attention to where you were going. The Southerner behind you didn't call out he just silently followed after you. You noticed his pace slow so you slowed too, as you were also getting tired. But with one last burst of energy the cowboy rocketed himself toward you and apprehended you.

You struggled in his grasp for a few moments before Angela and 76 showed up. "Let go of me!" You snarled at Jesse. You got no response. "Please (Y/n), we're worried about you." The blonde pleaded. "Fuck you, and fuck everyone here! I'm done with this shit!" You barked. "Shut the hell up and stop complainin'." Jesse spoke, his words soaked in venom. You struggled in his grasp more, wanting to punch Jesse in his stupid fucking face. Jesse pushed down on the back of your knees with his foot causing them to give out. "JESSE!" Angela snapped but the cowboy paid her no mind. You threw you head back quickly and headbutted Jesse. His grip on you never faltered. "YOU TWO STOP." 76's yell was drowned out by the fighting pair. Your head hurt like a bitch and Jesse's forehead was bleeding. He roughly shoved you to the floor so you were pinned down. Once again you threw your head back, hitting Jesse's nose. He shoved you back down to the floor again. Once his grip loosened, as he went to nurse his bloody nose, you pulled away for him. You stood back up and faced the gunslinger, ready to continue combat. He threw a punch with his left hand. As you had expected him to start with a right hook, as he always does, you weren't able to block his punch. His metal fist made contact with your jaw. You tastes the metallic taste of blood. You spat it in his face. You threw a punch with your right hand, which he blocked.

"You have to stop them!" Angela begged 76. "They need this, let them fight for a bit. If things go to far I'll stop them." 76 spoke, his gaze fixed on the fight. As Jesse blocked your punch you made an attempt to knee him in the groin. It hit, causing the brunette to stumble back slightly. The fight continued, punches were thrown, some hit some were blocked. Some kicks were added in there too. Angela watched anxiously, waiting-no wanting 76 to do something. Jesse now was pinning you down. He sat slightly on your hips as he held you by the collar of your shirt so that you were face to face with him. Then there was a stand still. His firey glare locked with yours. Both of your breathing was uneven and rapid. No one said anything. With one final tug your lips met Jesse's chapped ones. He kissed you roughly. You reciprocated. Your hands, with your bruised knuckles, tangled themselves into his brown locks as his hands still gripped onto the collar of your shirt. The two onlookers said nothing as they stood there stock still. 76 had assumed he'd have to stop them from killing each eventually. He never expected this. After a moment 76 cleared his throat, seeing as things were getting a bit out of hand. "Alright you two, knock it off." He growled. Jesse seemingly wanted to continue, but you still didn't know what you felt, so you pulled away. Angela rushed to tend to your and the cowboy's injuries. "That was idiotic and childish. Never do that again. I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO KILL EACH OTHER!" Angela scolded.

A/n: it's ya boi. back again. i think this came out ok? I've been lacking on the writing cuz in all my free time I've been playing rdr2 and that shit's emotionally draining. Anyway hope u enjoyed. Later.

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