Chapter 12

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Failure after failure. Several failed missions later people started giving up. "Maybe the team composition wasn't right." Or, "We were unprepared, we need to plan better." Frankly, everyone was tired of it. "We've been lucky to get our practically unscathed." "We can't risk it again!" "Nothing's working, can't we just give up?" Their protests didn't phase him. Again and again. "We have to do this." "We have to protect the world from Talon." "We can't just give up." Again and again. He wouldn't listen to anyone, no matter how much they pressed. He was too far gone.

You couldn't sleep. Nothing unusual. You slide into the dark halls. You silently slink to the kitchen. Your not hungry it's just become a habit. You saw a figure hunched over the island. You sigh as you make your way over to him. "You're over working yourself old man. It's not good." You spoke softly. "Look who's talking." He quipped. "Hush." You chuckled slightly. He leaned back running a hand through his white, thinning hair. "Go to bed." You half whispered. A stern undertone was noticeable in your words. "I've got so much work to do." He grumbled.

You frowned. "I'm not asking you. I'm telling you." You pointed out. 76 laughed. "Since when are you qualified to give orders?" You playfully rolled your eyes. "When your ass became incompetent and overworked." You say matter-of-factly. "My ass, incompetent? Never." The older man feigned hurt. You smile slightly then sigh. You lean over the island, placing your elbows on the smooth surface. You layed your head in your palms. The room is engulfed in silence. "Why do you refuse to give up?"

"(Y/n), don't start with this again." He groaned. "You don't understand-" The older man cuts you off. "I don't understand?" He scoffs. "This doesn't just get on your nerves you know." You snap. "This affects everyone." You sigh. "I thought you gave a shit about everyone but I guess I was wrong." You scoffed. "I don't understand why you're so fixed on doing this but you're so blinded you don't realize that everyone's tired, physically and mentally worn. You might see it as just whining about a slight inconvenience, but these people are begging you to stop! Why can't you just put it on hold? Look around, everyone's tense as fuck, everyone is miserable." Your visibly shaking. Your breathing uneven.

"That was rough, wasn't it?" You sigh. He just gives you a hum in response. "Maybe we'll do it next time." You put on a fake smile. "I doubt it." He grumbled. "Don't give up, I know we can do it." You tried to reassure the gunslinger. "You're sounding a lot like him." He spoke dryly. "No! I-I'm just trying to boost morale." You defend yourself. "Well it ain't workin'." He snapped. "At least I'm trying!" You argue. "I hear this enough from the old man so if you could just stop that'd be great." Jesse growled. "Jesse-" The cowboy cuts you off. "Don't you fuckin' say another word. Just leave me the hell alone!" He barked. You flinched, taking a step back at his harsh tone. He scowl at you then walks off. You're stunned. He's never used that tone towards you.

Dinner. Maybe he's cooled off. Oh how wrong you were. "Hey Jess." You chirped. He gave you a cold glare. "Do you not understand what leave me the hell alone means?" He snarled. "Of course I do but I-" He cut you off before you could finish. "So beat it." He snaps. "Jesse." You give him a pleading look. "Go away!" He barks. "I'm sure the old man would like some like-minded company." He hissed. "Jesse please." You beg. "Save it, don't fuckin' talk to me." He growled. You stared at him in disbelief. "No, please." You reach out to him. He slaps your hand away standing up so he towered over you. "Go." He snarled. For the first time ever you were afraid of him. You stood stock still. "GO!" He yelled drawing the attention if the others in the room. Before you knew it tears flooded your vision. "I-I-I didn't m-m-mean t-to." You choked you. "Get. The. Hell. Away. From. Me." He hissed. "Jesse I'm sorry." You cried. He was livid. "If you weren't a woman you'd be tryin to beg through a broken jaw." He snapped. You swiftly grabbed his fist and held it right under your chin. "Go ahead, do it, no one's stopping you." You hiss through your tears. He pulls his lips back slightly in a snarl. "Do it." You cry. He scoffs, turns then walks away.

"(Y/n)." 76 sighs. You hadn't realized you were crying. "This had gone too far." You breathe. "YOU'VE RUINED ME, US. YOU SAW HIM EARLIER TONIGHT! THAT'S NOT SOMETHING HE USUALLY DOES! YOU HAVE TO STOPS THIS MADNESS! Please." You sob. "You know I can't." 76 doesn't make eye contact with you. "You have to. Please." You begged him. You hunched over the island, shaking as sobs racked your body. "This was destined to happen. He's not the long term relationship kind of guy." 76 tried to justify himself and soothe you. You couldn't take it. You left the room.

As you walked the desolate halls you thought. This is getting too out of hand. The one thing you had worked hard to rebuild, destroyed, just like that. The weight of it all was suffocating you. You found yourself on the roof. It was nice, peaceful. You haven't stargazed in a while. You sat back and tried to relax. Your gaze flickered between stars, tracing constellations you recognized. Sleep eventually came after hours of staring at the night sky. At that point it had to have been 1 or 2A.M. You had passed out due to sleep deprivation. You didn't mind. Sleep is sleep.

A/n: it's late, Ik, I'm sorry. I have dedicated my whole Christmas break to rdr2 and it's fucking amazing. So oops. I hope you enjoyed anyway. Later.

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