Halloween one shot??????

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Quick a/n: so uh I decided to do something spooky for Halloween. (Btw credit to the artist as that is not my art) This is a Werewolf!Mccree x reader one shot. I might do another Halloween one shot if I have time. I just want to establish that, unlike many stories, I will not incorporate any holidays on their corresponding date irl in the storyline. I will put one shots that do not follow the story line in this book, only for holidays tho. That's all I gotta say. Now enjoy.

The hallway was dark, pitch black almost, but you still ventured down it. Why were you wandering the base at this ungodly hour? You couldn't sleep. Something was wrong. You felt it in the pit of your stomach. As you walked the desolate halls of the Overwatch base you pondered what it could possibly be.

An hour had gone by. Your stomach still twisted uneasily. What could be so bad it prevented you from sleep? You had gone over everything in your head. No one was acting strange today. You had no upcoming missions. Nothing. Then it hit you. Mccree. You had barely seen the cowboy today. And the times you had seen him he seemed distant. You decided something was wrong then headed off towards his room. As you walked you thought. Is he still up? What if I wake him? What could be going on? What if it's something dire? Before you knew it you stood outside the cowboy's door. You hesitated before knocking. You were met with silence. You knocked again and called out to him. "Jess? Jess are you up?" You waited for a reply. "Go away." He growled. "Jess is something wrong?" You asked. "Go. Away!" He snarled. Suddenly you heard a crash come from the other side of the door.

"Jesse are you alright?" You asked worried. You were ready to burst in at anytime. "I'm fine, just go away, please." He sounded annoyed and you were just about to leave until you heard a loud thud. "Jesse, I'm coming in!" You burst into his room, stumbling and almost falling, but you were in none the less. In the corner you saw the man hunched over. "Jesse what's going on?" After you finished speaking he turned and shot you a glare. His amber glare burned hole in you. You didn't believe your eyes. You blinked several times to make sure you weren't seeing things. "I told you to leave!" He barked at you, his lips pulled back into a snarl, showing off sharp canines. At the harshness of his tone you backed up. At this sign of fear his gaze softened. He looked away. "I didn't want you to see me like this." He started casting a sad glance at you. "I try and pretend..." He trailed off. For a second it was quiet. Mccree sighed, then continued. "I try and pretend that I'm not...this fuckin' thing." He snarls in disgust. "This monster." He added. Even though it wasn't directed at you, his harsh tone made you flinch. This didn't go unnoticed. Mccree runs a frustrated hand through his hair.

"You make it easier to pretend. You make me forget about what I am." His grimace turned to a sad smile as he looked over at you. You wanted to run over to him, to hold him and comfort him, but fear held you in place. "I wanted to protect you. Sometimes when this happens it gets out of hand and I can't control myself." You can see the sorrow and guilt in his amber eyes. You take slow, cautious steps towards him. Mccree suddenly snarls at you. "Don't come near me!" At his sudden shift in mood you stagger backwards. He sighs and calms himself down. "I'm sorry I just-" He frantically starts to apologize subconsciously walking towards you. Suddenly he stops himself. He's standing right in front of you. You reach out to him but he staggers back.

He was overly distraught and you wanted to help him, but he kept on refusing. Pushing you away. "Stop. No. You can't do this." He muttered to himself over and over again. He was now frantic. Your body moved before you could even think. "Jesse please." You begged as you raced towards him. His eyes widened at this. "No! No! Stay back!" He pleaded but you kept going. He seemed to get even more panicked as you neared. Before you could reach him he crumpled to the ground holding his head. You crouched beside him. You saw it now, he was writhing in pain. "L-leave, p-p-please." He managed through clenched teeth. Soon you were face to face with a giant brown wolf. Before you knew it he snapped at you. You narrowly avoided it. As you stumbled backward you examined the wolf. You noticed his cybernetic arm laying on the floor, tossed off as it was too small for him now. This wolf was extremely big. "Jess?" You called out to him hoping you got a proper response. Instead he charged at you. His sharp canines sunk into your arm and you stifled a scream as to try and not alert the others. Somehow you were able to get him off of you. You grasped your bleeding arm and followed him with your eyes. You knew he knew he had you beat. Mccree circled you as if to boast that he beat you. You looked around for anything that could possibly help you out of this situation. You found nothing. He launched himself at you again. This time you were prepared and rolled out of the way. Every move you made hurt like a son of a bitch but you have to do what you have to do to stay alive.

You two continued on like this for a while. He had gotten you a couple more times, the other arm and the leg, but you had dodged him for the most part. He was just "playing with his food" now. He could've killed you anytime he wanted but he hasn't. He launched himself at you niece more. You gathered up as much strength as possible and with a last effort you dodged him. To your surprise Mccree went flying straight into his night table. A loud thud was heard and then their was silence. You looked at the wolf. He later on the floor, out cold. You sighed in relief. You pulled yourself, slowly but surely, to the bathroom and sloppily patched yourself up. Just something to keep you from dying due to blood loss. You pulled yourself out of the bathroom. You didn't make it very far before you passed out.

Suddenly you heard someone's voice. "She'll be fine. The bites were deep, just give her some time. Now how'd this happen again?" You recognized the voice as Mercy. "She just showed up like this this mornin'." The second voice sent shivers down your spine. Mccree. "We'll have to ask her when she wakes up then." Mercy said as she walked out of the room. Soon everything faded and you passed out again. You woke to silence this time. After your eyes adjusted you looked around. You were in the medical wing. It was night. Then you noticed Mccree staring out one of the windows. "Jesse." Your voice was hoarse from disuse. He whipped around to face you. He looked overjoyed. "Darlin'! You're ok! God, I thought-." He trailed off. Mccree suddenly looked sick. "I thought I had done you in." He whispered. You grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer to you. He panicked and tried to pull away. You didn't say anything just stared him down till he crouched next to your bed.

"Jesse it wasn't your fault. It's ok. I'm fine." You reassured him. He looked at you bewildered. "Fine? Fine?! When I brought you to Mercy this mornin' she said you were barely holdin' on!" He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. You pulled his hand to your face. He cupped you cheek as you leaned into his touch. "But I'm still alive and that's all that matters. And now that I know we can work this out. Together. You don't get to suffer alone anymore."

A/n: I rewrote this several times. Sorry it's late I have school shit to do and what not. Anyway I'm finna try to get another one of these up before Halloween but no promises. Anyway hope you enjoyed. Later.

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