Chapter 7

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You couldn't sleep. Then again you never could. You would usually be working at this time at night. You had terrible insomnia. So having to actually sleep instead of doing stuff at night was hard. You wanted to get up, walk around base, pace around the room, train, basically do anything but lie in bed. There was one major thing keeping you from getting up. Mccree. You had gone to sleep in his room. God why did you agree to this. You know that you never sleep. You were debating wether to get up or not.

You were lying facing the wall and Mccree was spooning you. It was cute, to be honest. You started to slither your way out of Mccree's grasp when you woke him up. "Somethin wrong?" He asks as he lets go of you. His voice low and a bit hoarse from disuse. "Just got to go to the bathroom, sorry for waking you." You whisper as you stand up and walk towards the bathroom. He just gives you a hum in acknowledgement and falls back asleep. You sigh and walk out of the room.

You had wandered around base for a bit and then decided to stop at the kitchen for a hot second. You rummaged through the fridge for something small to snack on. After a while of rummaging someone spoke. "Don't like to sleep huh?" You jumped but while doing so hit your head on the top if the fridge. After mumbling some profanities to yourself you realize who spoke. You close the fridge and straighten up. "My apologies sir! I just couldn't sleep." He walks past you and grabs a mug. "Just get some sleep some times, alright?" Your surprised he didn't lecture you on how 'unhealthy it is' and other shit like that.

"Yes sir." You say as you turn back around to go rummaging through the fridge again. There was silence for a bit. "Sir, if I may, I have a question." Your broke the silence. Just as you said that you found an apple. You grabbed it, closed the fridge, and washed it. 76 hesitated for a second. "Go on." He said as he took a sip of his coffee. "Can you not sleep as well?" You said before biting into the apple. "Justice never rests kid." He pours himself a new cup of coffee. You roll your eyes. "Is there a reason as to why you can't sleep?" You ask.

He freezes up a bit. "It's none if your business." He says after an awkward silence. "Sorry." You mumble. You finish up your apple and toss it in the trash. "Now hurry up and get to sleep. I'm sure that damn cowboy has noticed you're gone." 76 said as he finished his second cup of coffee. "And you make sure to get some sleep as well sir." You say as you leave. He gives you a hum in response.

You don't go back to Mccree's room. No. You're not tired yet. You head to the trading area instead. As you start beating down on the punching bag, you think. It's so weird being back. Surrounded by people who care. You wonder about your friends outside of Overwatch. Will they notice your absence, or will they think you just skipped town, like always. There's one thought that persists. It's weird having him back in your life again. It's been several years. And the start of this thing was a bit rough. But your glad to have him back. You remember back to before the fall.

(Ooooo a mother fucking flash back!)

You had a ton of work to do. You had to write reports on all the patients you've had today. It was a lot. You grabbed a file and booked it down the hall. You were going to get a lunch break in while you worked. All the sudden you hit a wall. You don't remember this hallway being a dead end. "Well damn, I don't even know ya and you're fallin' for me already." You heard a laugh from above you. Shit. That wasn't a wall you hit, it was a person.

~time skip to a year after this event~

You sat up on the roof with Mccree. It was late and he was tired, but you convinced him to come star gaze with you. "It's so pretty, I fucking love space!" You cheered. Mccree chuckled. "You're so pretty and I fucking love you." He spoke softly. You stopped for a second before turning to him. Your face red as a tomato. Mccree gave you a lopsided grin. You had no words. As you were racking your brain for answers to all the questions that popped up you two gravitated towards each other. Before you could say anything, he brought you into a soft kiss.

~time skip to a little while before Mccree leaves overwatch~

Jesse's been really antsy lately. Something's wrong. You need to get to the bottom of this. The challenging part is to get a hold of him. He's been distancing himself lately. You finally find him on the roof. He's just sitting there, smoking and drinking. "Jess." You call out to him softly. He turns his head ever so slightly to get a look at you. "Is something wrong?" You ask. "I'm sorry." That's all he says before he goes back downstairs. You stand stock still.

~time skip to a little while after he leaves~

"Calm down, calm down, let's go talk to Gabe alright? Maybe he sent Mccree out or something." Jack was trying to calm you down. You had woken up to an empty bed. Not unusual. Then as you were getting changed you noticed his stuff was gone. That was unusual. The last time you spoke to him he just apologized and walked away. You were on the verge of tears. You knew damn well he had skipped town. "He wouldn't leave you (Y/N), he loves you." Jack tried reassuring you.

~time skip to before the explosion~

Jack placed his hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry. You deserve so much better. You don't deserve to be heartbroken." It was another one of those night's. You would start crying yourself to sleep, then Jack would come in and comfort you. He was like a father to you. He made sure to check up on you, make sure you were eating well, sleeping well, etc. "I wish I could take your pain away but that's impossible. But I know your strong, and I know you can feel better soon. I know you can leave him in the past and move on. I believe in you. And hey I'll be here to help whenever you need it."

~time skip to right before the explosion~

You had accompanied Jack, and Gabe to the swiss base because Jack didn't want to leave you alone. As they were in a meeting you waited by the door. People who passed by gave you odd looks but you weren't paying attention to that. Something felt off. More off than usual. You were worried, and rightfully so. You were equipped with your side arm just in case anything went wrong. You were prepared to fight, but not prepared for what happened next.

~after explosion~

You wiped the blood off your forehead as you stumbled through the rubble of the Swiss HQ. "Jack! Jack! Gabe! Anyone!" You cried out. The building used to be large so the pile of rubble was equally large, maybe even larger. No one had seen you nor had you seen anyone and you were terrified. "Please anyone help!" You cried out as you stumbled and fell. You were worm out. "Please." You felt dizzy. " me please." Then nothing

~funeral time~

You stood at the back of the weeping crowd that you called  your family. Everyone was hit hard by this. You were hit the hardest. As the rain kept on falling the crowd dwindled. Soon it was down to you and Rein. "You can't stay here too long, you'll catch a cold." He spoke as softly as possible as if you were glass about to shatter. He handed you the umbrella as he left. You dropped it to the ground as you fell to your knees in front of the grave. "Dad, please don't leave me." You mutter.

You really wished things went differently. That Jesse stayed. That Gabe didn't basically scare him off. That Jack didn't leave you. That everyone you loved didn't abandon you.

(Back to reality)

You were snapped out of your thoughts by a hand on your shoulder. "Buttercup, you alright?" You turned to see Mccree behind you. You wiped the tears that you didn't notice were there away. "I'm fine, just couldn't sleep." You were suddenly hit by a wave of drowsiness. He grabbed your hand intertwining his fingers with yours and he guided you back to bed.

A/n: This is so sad, Athena play despacito.

:) a long one ik oops. I'm actually satisfied with a chapter for once. Any way hope you like this chapter. I haven't slept in a day so ima go pass out now. Later

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