Chapter 8

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There was a knock on the door. You sat up in Mccree's bed. "Hold on." You called out. You slowly get out of bed. You look back at Mccree. He is the heaviest sleeper you've ever met. You open the door and lean on the frame. Standing outside is 76. "There's a mission briefing today at 9, I expect to see you both there." He said. "Of course sir." You spoke giving him a tired smile. 76 hesitated for a second, then turned and left. You closed the door and looked at the time. 6:00. You didn't feel like going back to bed so you got changed into workout clothes. You placed a kiss on Mccree's forehead then left.

You set an alarm on your phone for 8:30 so you could go back and wake Mccree up. You entered the training area and went to the treadmills. You put on your headphones and listened to music as you ran. You hadn't noticed someone was on the treadmill next to you until they tapped your shoulder. You took of your headphones off and looked at them. It was Mercy. She greeted you with a warm smile, which you returned.

"How are you this morning?" She asked. "I'm fine, what about you?" You and her continued to make small talk about your day for awhile. "I heard you were up very late last night." She mentioned casually. You tilted your head. "How'd you hear that?" "76 said he saw you. He asked me to check up on you and see if you were all right. That man worries about you too much." She said. You were even more confused. 76 caring about your well being? That was odd.

"He worries about me too much? So there has been other times where he was worried?" You mumble. " Oh yes. Of course. He cares about everyone here, even if he doesn't act like it." She smiled softly. You give a hum in acknowledgement. "Anyway, what is this I hear about you and Mccree~?" She leans closer too you. " just won't shut up will she?" You grumble. "You're not denying it!!!" She squealed. You laugh awkwardly and scratch the back of your neck. You were about to respond when you were interrupted. "Well, well, well, it was mighty rude for you to just up and leave." You turned to face Mccree.

"I thought I'd come wake you up later." You turned back around and put your headphones back on. Suddenly you were pulled off the treadmill. You screeched. "Jesse put me the fuck down!" He started walking off with you. "No can do." Even though you couldn't see it you knew he wore a shit eating grin. "I hate you." You pout. He chuckles. "Love ya too, darlin'." You squirm for a bit until you decide to give up. You groan out in annoyance. "Let me doooooowwwwwnnn!" He doesn't respond. You squirm a bit more. "If ya keep squirmin' I'm gonna drop ya." He threatened. You pouted once more.

After a little while you wind up in his room. The time was 8:45. You were having a pleasant chat with Mccree. You mentioned how you two should get going soon but he just brushed your comment off. You brought it up again. "Jesse we should head out. Maybe get there early." He groaned in annoyance. "C'mon, we'll show up when we decide to show up." "But-" You were cut off by Mccree pulling you into a kiss. It was rough and sloppy, but you weren't complaining. You two parted for a second to get some air. His hands still on your cheeks, keeping your face only an inch from his.

(A soft core lemon??)

He pulled you back in. Your hands went from his chest to his hair, as his went from your face to you hips. His lips still locked with yours. You ran your hands through his hair, occasionally pulling it. His hands went from you waist to your ass. You gasped and he took this opportunity to slip tongue. 8:50.

He pushed you so you were laying on your back. You pulled apart. He then started kissing down your neck. Leaving hickies in his wake. You stifled a moan. "The rooms are sound proof. I want you to be as loud as possible." He demanded. His voice low and rough. You simply nodded quickly as he got back to work looking for your sweet spot. Once he found it he went to town on it. This time you couldn't stifle your moan. 8:55. "Jesse!~" You moaned. He stopped for a second just to speak. "Louder." He demanded and continued biting and sucking on your sweet spot. "Fuck. Jesse!~" You moaned louder. 8:58. You opened your eyes for just a second. From your position you had a clear view of the clock on his bedside table.

8:59. Shit. "Jesse.~" You tried to speak normally but it came out as a moan. You took a second and then tried to speak again. "Jesse.~" Yet again failure. Your moans seemed to excite him. He started grinding into you. You wanted to stay but 76 would kill you if you did. You willed your body to push him off  but you refused you only seemed to pull him closer. He noticed your excitement. He went to take off your shirt but he was stopped. He looked up at you confused.

(It over)

"Jesse.~ We're late." You slowly stared to gain composure. He looked at the clock. "Shit." He mumbled. He stood up and helped you up. You quickly looked around for anything turtle neck. You soon came across  a lilac turtle neck sweatshirt. You tossed that on and you both ran out. On the way you fixed your hair and also Mccree's. By the time you got there you two looked semi presentable. 76 stood outside. His arms crossed. He seemed annoyed. "You're late." He commented. You were about to speak but Mccree was faster. "Sorry, (Y/n) was looking for me since I had lost track of time. It's my fault." You looked up at him and smiled.

You and Mccree walked in and took a seat at the large table. You took note of who was here., Mercy, Reinhardt, and Tracer. 76 took a seat at the head if the table. The mission briefing was boring. It was a long drawn out version of 'We're shutting down an illegal drug deal. Don't get bodied. The mission is bigger and more dangerous than it sounds. We leave tomorrow.' Your first mission since you got back. The briefing went from 9 til 12. You knew it lasted longer than it needed to. You groaned in relief after it was over. You rested your head on Mccree's shoulder. "Took long enough." You muttered. He chuckled.

Everyone got up and went to lunch. You were talking with, Tracer, and Mercy on the way. You kept sneaking glances at Mccree. You wanted to continue where you left off with him earlier. "Earth to (Y/n)." said as she waved her hand in your face. You snapped back into reality. "What." You said as you shook your head. "Staring at your boyfriend huh?" asked smirking. "Shut up." You mumbled. The girls giggled. You groaned in annoyance. "Hey your lucky, I wish I had a boyfriend." pointed out. You rolled your eyes. "You could get any guy, I call bullshit. I say your not single." You looked at her waiting for a response. "Nah, I'm still single and ready to mingle." She shrugged. "What about you Mercy, got a boyfriend?" asked. "Or a girlfriend." You added. Mercy looked away. "N-no." She answered quickly. "Oooooo! Some ones got a girlfriend!" squeals. "Shush!" Mercy hissed. "Spill." You demanded. "Alright. Alright. Just don't tell anyone. Her name is Fareeha. We've only been on like 4 dates. We don't see each other that much so it's not really serious."

(Sorry if you don't ship Pharmercy)

You and awed. "She's thinking about joining Overwatch though." Mercy continued. You and got excited. "We haaaavvveee to meet her!" squealed. You nodded in agreement. Mercy smiled softly. "Of course." You guys reached the cafeteria. Suddenly someone obscured your vision. "Guess who." You knew who it was. "Ah, god, I just don't know. Who could it be?" You pretend to think, which earns a chuckle from him. He takes his hands off your eyes and spins you to face him. He kisses your nose quickly earning a giggle from you. "Cute!" screeched. Your face flushed beet red. "Hey Jess." You smile softly. "I thought we should go eat somewhere else." He commented casually. You nodded vigorously. He smiled. "Great lest get goin then."

A/n: this was looooooong. I'm not good at writing lemons btw. I'm gonna try in the next chapter but it might be terrible. If I can't write one it'll probably just be a soft core lemon. Anyway hope you enjoyed! Later!

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