Chapter one

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Chris POV: 

I woke up and reached to my night stand to turn off the blaring alarm. My arm crashed into the wall.

"Damn new house." I muttered as I opened my eyes to get used to my surroundings. I woke up slowly. I had to keep myself from laughing as I saw my reflection.  My curly brown hair had a gaint dent from my sleep. After I fixed it to it usual slightly controlled shape. I trew on sweat pants a t-shirt and slides.  I paused when I went to grab my soccer jacket. 

"Next year..." my voice was quiet as I said the painful words. I shook my head and went to the car.

Well this is nothing new, I changed schools again. I've lost track of how many times I've moved. Enough to stop caring. Everywhere was the same anyway so what did it matter? At least my mom bought a house that's a good sign we might stay. 

I headed down the hall to find my schedule. I insisted that I was fine and would not need a teacher to escort me in the new school.

"Are you sure? You don't know where things are yet."

"Neither did the freshman and they are doing fine." 

"Well I guess but if you get lost, don't be afraid to ask for help."

"Will do Miss..."

"Broshrew" her smile was sincere. I decided I liked her.  As I hurried towards first period I bumped into someone. He was about a head taller than me, not that that's saying much I'm only 5'4", with gray eyes and light skin. His blonde hair was messy, it contrasted with his neat button down and jeans. 

"Oh I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" As he said this the look on his face was of genuine worry. Less of the worry of a small bump, and more of that of a car crash.  I looked up at his eyes. They bothered me. I stood up and continued walking to my class. 

"Well uh have a good day!" He called after me. Who is he an idiot? Who yells at someone in the hall to have a good day?  

I finally found my class. History, I was pretty glad I started my day with it. Somehow I really had a nack for it. It was one of the 2 classes I took honors for. I guess I just found it interesting. A lot more than math anyway.  There was a small boy next to me with neat short brown hair, a t-shirt and jeans. He was feverishly taking notes on anything the teacher said. I looked over confused we had barely talked about anything how was he already half way down the page? He must of noticed me looking because he turned to face me. 

"You must be the new kid, that was me last year. I'm Henry by the way." After that he returned back to taking notes. I liked this kid. No need for extra chatter. Just state the facts and continue on. But my day was not all like that. After the bell rang I went to Spanish.

 I got a little confused on the way, so by the time I got there the only empty seat. It was in the front row next to a boy talking to a girl and a cuple more guys.  It took me a minute to notice that the guy I'm sitting next to was the same one from the hall. He turned to face me with the biggest grin. 

"I'm Thomas, I didn't realize who you were at first. I always tend to walk into things and people. So what's your name?"

"Chris" I said curtly. 

"Oh that's cool. So where did you move from?"

"Miles Town but I moved a lot before that." 

"Oooooh like where?" Does this guy not get the clue I don't want to talk.

"I lived in Columbia." I looked at his face. His eyes sparked at those words. I couldn't help but find it intriguing. I have never seen someone's face light up like that. After a minute I realized I must have been staring. 

"You are interesting." He smirked as he said this. This took me aback I was the normal one. He was just.... strange. I decided to leave it be and pull out my phone to continue watching the walking dead. It wasn't long until I noticed a stare on me.

"What ya watching?" I jumped a little. Why does this guy ask so many questions?! I shifted my phone so he couldn't see.

"Walking dead" after that he ignored me for the rest of class. He seemed eager to learn about Spanish.  Sé español porque nesasité cuando vivé en Columba. But I never told the school I spoke Spanish I prefer easy classes thank you. 

After leaving Spanish and Thomas I went to gym and saw Henry again. He sat with on the injured beach. He never asked what happened to me. He just sat there going over flash cards. After the period was almost over of me watching shows and Henry studying, he looked at me.

"Hey do you want to sit with my friends at lunch there is an empty seat, our old friend moved away."  I thought about it. Henry was simple I liked that.

"Sure thanks" man was that a mistake. After I sat down I looked to see who was sitting next to me. It was Thomas.

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