Chapter 10

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Thomas's POV:

When I was six years old I went on splash mountain, in Disney. I was terrified at first, but man it was fun. The feeling you get in your stomach as it drops, became my favorite feeling in the world. That is how Chris kissing me felt. Splash Mountain.

I was so surprised I almost jumped at the contact. It wasn't a long kiss. It was more of a peck really, but I was on cloud nine. Simply because that kiss told me one thing, he liked me too. Or at v least wase a extremely flirtybisexual and had no issue kissing a guy. I hoped for the former. I was in too much shock to say anything afterwards. Chris seemed to be in a hurry. He rushed out of the theater like his life depended on it. I just stood there with a dumb smile on my face. 

The smile did not stay for long. After what happened Friday the school situation was as bad as it could be. He wasn't ignoring or avoiding me. Chris acted like nothing had happened.  I thought maybe he would talk to me more, or that we could start being a little couple like. Ugh this boy. After I realized in Spanish that in this boy's cute little mind nothing happened, I decided to play a little at lunch.

"Hey" I nudged him as I sat down.

"Yeah" He said staring at his phone. I looked over to see what he was watching. It was Glee. I was a combination of amused and surprised. 

"You're watching Glee?" A smirk danced across my lips.

"It's one of my favorites. I've watched every season several times." He still was not looking at me. I couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or not. It took me by surprise though.

"I've watched every season but the last. I refuse to believe Rachel left broadway." He gave a small nod at my words. "I am a little shocked you watch it though.  I never took you for someone who watches Glee." 

"You don't really know me at all, what right do you have to assume what I like?"

That stung but it was true. Even though we have known each other for a month now, I still don't know his real favorite color, if he has siblings, or his favorite band. Certainly not from a lack of asking. But somehow despite almost knowing nothing about him. I do know that I am harboring a huge crush for him. My mind went back to the kiss. He must feel somewhat similar. 

"You don't know me either, what right do you have to judge me?" I said out loud for our friends to hear. Before he could look back at his phone I leaned his ear and whispered "what right do you have to kiss me?"

His face turned bright red. He finally looked up at me, a mixture of anger and embarrassment. "Th-that was a-an accident!" His loud stammer got the attention of the rest of the table. Sam and Nancy were exchanging glances. Everyone else just looked confused.

"Well feel free to have accidents like that more often." I said enjoying the show. Chris was always so stoic. He never let me see anything but annoyance. This was the most adorable thing I had ever seen. It took all of my will power not to recreate that "accident".  It seems Chris has had enough of me though because he stormed out of the cafeteria. 

"Let's hang out again sometime!" I called out not able to resist myself. That was a mistake. I had officially pushed my luck. I could tell when Chris turned and looked at me right in the eyes. Not saying a word. But his eyes said everything I wrecked it. He wasn't going to date me again. The kiss was not bad but mentioning was. He didn't talk to me the next day, or the day after that.

At this rate we might not be friends anymore. I didn't go to school on Thursday.

 Sorry it's been so long! I've been on vacation. I really hope you like this chapter even though it is short. I'm actually really excited because I got my first follower. Thanks for reading! Comment for any questions. 

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